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Horizontal infographics


Explain your instructions here.(See Riddle 1 as a example and then replace with your own info - delete these instructions.)



Riddle 2

Type your riddle here.

Riddle 1

What is never ending, can be any material, and is a symbol of unity?

Scavenger Hunt

Riddle 3

Type your riddle here.

Riddle 4

Type your riddle here.

Riddle 5

Type your riddle here.

object Congratulations! You solved the riddle! (Instructions: 1. change the "+" icon that you used to get here to anything you like. 2. At the top of this window, type the word, Answer, where it says "Name that element." 3. Replace "object" above with the word that answered the riddle, replace the image above with the image of the object that answers the riddle, and then delete these instructions.)

object Congratulations! You solved the riddle! (Instructions: 1. change the "+" icon that you used to get here to anything you like. 2. At the top of this window, type the word, Answer, where it says "Name that element." 3. Replace "object" above with the word that answered the riddle, replace the image above with the image of the object that answers the riddle, and then delete these instructions.)

Ring Congratulations! You solved the riddle!

object Congratulations! You solved the riddle! (Instructions: 1. change the "+" icon that you used to get here to anything you like. 2. At the top of this window, type the word, Answer, where it says "Name that element." 3. Replace "object" above with the word that answered the riddle, replace the image above with the image of the object that answers the riddle, and then delete these instructions.)

object Congratulations! You solved the riddle! (Instructions: 1. change the "+" icon that you used to get here to anything you like. 2. At the top of this window, type the word, Answer, where it says "Name that element." 3. Replace "object" above with the word that answered the riddle, replace the image above with the image of the object that answers the riddle, and then delete these instructions.)