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What could be better than knowing and valuing ourselves? Our self-esteem is based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, and sometimes those can feel difficult to change. Self-esteem can be that little voice in your head....also kind of like your self-confidence. Let's find our superpowers by thinking about things in life that we can and can't control...


For a small participation prize, please email me a snip or screenshot of the upcoming page, after you determine the elements you can and can't control. When you send the email, please share your thoughts on this exercise and any other thoughts you'd like to share.And since I can't control whether you choose to do this or not, I'll try not to let it affect my self esteem. :) --Elaine

i can control

i can't control

What others say about me

If others accept me

If others take responsibility for their actions

My courage to try new things

Ignoring negative thoughts

Choosing to be responsible for my actions

If others feel purpose in their life

If others appreciate my talents

When others are negative

Choosing to love myself

Accepting myself and others

How I react to criticism

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