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According to the Legal Cheek blog, the number of barrisres parcticing crimainal Law had decreased by approximatery 25% since the cuts were implemented

The Bolton News higlighted the imapct of the strike on local barristers and courts. The strike has efffected a larger number of cases in the local courts, and some cases have adjourned as a result.

The barrister' sticke in England and Wales, which was sparked by cuts to criminal legal aid. The strike, which was first of it's kind in over a century, was met with mixed reactions, with some arguning that it was necessary to protect the integrity of the legal system, as the cuts made it difficult for many practitioners to make a living. While others criticising it as self-serving and disruptive.

The Bar Council, the professional body for barristers in England and Wales, has expressed its support for the strike action.

+ 10,0ed00.000

And cut to the criminal legal aid

Barrister's strike

Khawla Zagandi

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