Book Reference
Beth Wyness
Created on January 4, 2023
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build a book reference
Find the details of the book from the library catalogue, online database or by looking at the front pages of the print book.
Put the book reference details in order
1. Author
6. Publisher
2. Year
3. Title
4. Edition
5. Place of Publication
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Lynch, R. (2015) Strategic management. 7th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education. Note that you only include edition information for 2nd or later editions. You can use Cite Them Right to check the required formatting and punctuation for the reference e.g. the book title goes in italics and only the author's family name and initial/s are included.
build a journal article reference
Find the details of the article from an online database or by looking at the front page of the print article or PDF.
Put the journal article reference details in order
1. Author/s
6. DOI (if viewed online
2. Year
3. Article Title
4. Journal Title
5. Volume / Issue / Page numbers
Drag and drop the information into the correct box. Click SOLUTION to see the correctly formatted journal article reference
Belenzon, S., Chatterji, A.K. and Daley, B. (2017) 'Eponymous entrepreneurs', American Economic Review, 107(6), pp. 1638-1655. Available at: doi:10.1257/aer.20141524. Note that there are 3 authors so they are all listed. If there are 4 or more authors, you list the first named author followed by 'et al.' e.g. Belenzon, S. et al. You can use Cite Them Right to check the required formatting and punctuation for the reference e.g. the journal title goes in italics and the article title has single quotation marks. If you viewed the article online you can include the 'doi' address (direct object identifier or stable URL).
build a web page reference
Find the details you need from the website.
Put the web page reference details in order
1. Author/s
2. Year
3. Web page title
4. URL
5. Date you viewed it
Drag and drop the information into the correct box. Click SOLUTION to see the correctly formatted web page reference
Bearne, S. (2022) Vegan 'cheese' market booms as demand grows. Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2023). Web pages often do not have named authors so you can use the name of the organization responsible for the site if necessary. If you are unable to find a year, look for the date of last update or a copyright year at the bottom of the page You can use Cite Them Right to check the required formatting and punctuation for the reference e.g. the web page title goes in italics. Cite Them Right also provides guidance on how to reference web pages with no dates and / or authors.