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I am Al-Juarismo a mathematician, astronomer and geographer who have great Persian influence, I wrote a dozen books on arithmetic, geography and astronomy. This November 14, 2022 I released the "Calculation book with Indian numbers" which allowed with the help of Fibonacci "the positional decimal numbering system" that allows writing any number only with the digits 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.In the future these methods will help to make it not so difficult to solve mathematical problems such as a multiplication thanks to Al-Khuarismi is 8 x 5 but if it had not been for his help it would be VIII x V and when they learn to divide in the school, the steps they will follow will form an algorithm. This word figure, derived from Al-Khuarismi. it also helped the solution of linear or quadratic equations composed of units, roots and squares; for example, a unit was a number, a root was x, and a square was x^2
