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By: Sawdah, Khurshid, Alizeh

Defined & Explained

What is SEL? Social-Emotional Learning and Mental Well-being

SEL is the critical framework through which individuals of all ages acquire the skills to reach their unique goals, understand and manage their emotions, cultivate positive relationships, make informed choices, and feel and demonstrate empathy.

Social-Emotional Learning

Learning SEL provides students and young people with the abilities required to succeed in life, both within their school and beyond.

Next ...

2. Self-management:

As social-emotional skills grow, children and young adults begin to understand the importance of self-management, especially as it pertains to intrinsic motivation, emotional management, and setting personal goals.

4. Relationship skills:

SEL skills empower students to develop relationships by providing strategies for conflict resolution and teaching that an awareness of the other person's needs is integral to building positive relationships.

3. Social awareness:

Centering around the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated; social-emotional learning encourages social awareness on both an individual level with personal relationships, and on a broader scope with regards to diverse perspectives.

1. Self-awareness:

Maintaining a level of self-awareness is a cornerstone of social-emotional learning, allowing students to access a greater understanding of how positive actions lead to an improved self-image.

There are 5 main S.E.L. areas:

Social-Emotional Learning Skills

Students are taught that making certain decisions can impact them in every facet of their lives (social, emotional, physical, and intellectual), and how to make positive decisions for positive growth and change.

5. Responsible decision-making:

People of all ages, particularly children, are affected by trauma and stress. According to a 2014 American Psychological Association study, many teenagers have even higher stress levels than adults. Stress management is tools, strategies, or techniques that help you feel less stressed and lessen the negative effects of stress on your mental or physical health.

Stress Management

Conflict resolution is an important personal skill and in schools, the role of peer mediation in conflict resolution is also important. Teaching students and young kids how to handle conflict in a healthy, constructive way that does not cause undue stress is critical to improving their relationships and overall well-being.

Teaching young people how to navigate conflict is one of the most important components to facilitate their growth. Even some adults have poor meditation skills and can’t navigate their professional and personal life properly. When we’re so angry that we can’t think straight, it’s difficult to solve a problem. This is why teaching young people from an early age to resolve conflicts and how to overcome their negative emotions and act accordingly is of utmost importance.

Conflict Resolution


Adult skills



Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a term that broadly refers to the process through which people learn and put into practice a variety of social, emotional, and associated skills, attitudes, behaviours, and values that assist guide pupils. This involves having ideas, emotions, and behaviours that help people do well in school.

Three Pillars of SEL

(N.d.). Languageonthemove.com. Retrieved January 24, 2023, from https://www.languageonthemove.com/multiculturalism-without-multilingualism/

From a cultural perspective, the kind of skills associated with SEL seems to be based on a theory of emotions that views them as internal, individual states that call for active management control in order to be channelled in socially beneficial, healthy ways. The main focus is on controlling or containing emotions that can “boil over,” leading people to behave irrationally (Lakoff & Kovecses, 1987).




SEL can be incorporated into a school’s curriculum even though it is not a defined subject like math or history. Students may be more likely to participate and may be less prone to mentally drift off during their classes when teachers personalize and relate academic topics to them


How to teach SEL? On the next page...

Who can benefit from SEL? Families, Schools Communities

Why is SEL effective?Not only do these skills help students dramatically improve their mental and physical health and familial relationships, but they also significantly reduce problem behaviors and the subsequent disciplinary actions required to deal with them.

Why is Social-Emotional Learning Important?Social and emotional learning provides a positive foundation upon which students can learn about themselves and others in a safe, nurturing school environment.

Importance of SEL in Education

  • An explanation of a particular SEL concept by the teacher - often using pictures, video, audio, or written text
  • Students will then gain a deeper understanding of the concept through skill practice, discussion with a peer group or partner, or through individual writing tasks
  • The teacher will revisit and reinforce this concept throughout the week
  • The teacher may decide to support the teaching by sending work home for students to work with alongside their parents or careers
  • The teacher will check for understanding moving forward, re-teaching specific points where required

The delivery of SEL in school will generally follow a series of steps, including:

How to teach SEL?

Mental well-being can be mental health but mental health cannot be mental well-being, because they are related but both of them are independent ( Wheeler, 2021).

What is the difference between mental health and mental well-being?

Definition and Meaning of Well-beingAccording to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the correct term is well-being, not wellbeing or well being, and it is hyphenated.Well-being is often described as the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy (Lawrence, et al., 2017).


  1. Mental well-being training.
  2. Implement mental health, and well-being into the curriculum.
  3. Promote healthy eating.
  4. Encourage students and staff to stay hydrated.

How to apply Well-being in schools?

More Information

Studies presented that children, youth, and teachers who trained with the emotional and psycho-social program had a significant decrease in their stress and trauma.
What Is Trauma?
What is Trauma?

Trauma is an important phenomenon these days among students, teachers, and parents.Trauma is a mental sickness.Some experiences that can be bad accidents or bad actions in your life are called Trauma. Trauma can be acute, chronic, and complex based on the types of experienced events.


Strong School

What we have learned

  • Learned effective and efficient communication while working in a team.
  • Learned how to use many new educational technologies such as Zotero, Pressbook, Hypothesis, Genially, Badgr etc.
  • Learned how to do podcasting.
  • Learned about different OER.
  • Importance of SEL in education and in general.
  • How essential SEL is for childhood development.
  • How to include SEL in the classroom
  • How to Practice and support SEL
  • Mental Well-being and how to navigate well-being & ill-being.

Alizeh SultanMaster of Art in EducationFrom Aghanistan

Khurshid ArifMaster of Art in EducationFrom Afghanistan

Sawdah Rubai Bente HoqueMaster of Art in EducationFrom Bangladesh

Team members
