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Rue is trying to recover from drug addiction. Rue has many troubles in her recovery. She puts her family and friends through a lot of pain with her drug addiction but doesn’t realize it. She tries to get better but she can’t. People can relate to Rue because some teens are struggling with drug addiction. It is a hard situation to be in and some may not realize how deep they are until it is too late. Rue is a character that can help people see the bad in drug addiction and maybe can help people discover they may need help.

"Drugs are probably the only reason I haven't kill myself "

euphoria charactersRue

Cassie is a very different person when you look behind the scenes. In front of people, she is this sweet and confident girl but on the inside, she is very insecure. Cassie loves to be loved. Loves the validation of the male gaze. This is because of her father who passed away when she was just a child. Cassie understands the feeling of always being used and not understanding if someone really wants to be with her. Even though she understands this she still tries to find love. Cassie is trying to love herself and become a better person so she can find what she knows she deserves. Cassie is a related character because people understand the feeling of wanting validation. No matter if it is from a male or a girl or academics everyone wants validation. Some can also relate because they love to feel loved and secure. They want to fill the absence of maybe someone they lost or maybe just trauma. I feel Cassie is the most relating to everyone in some sense.

euphoria charactersCASSIE

Maddy is perceived as a confident and outspoken person. She says what is on her mind but as the other characters in this TV Show she has her problems. She used to date Nate Jacobs — a controlling and abusive boyfriend. Maddy didn’t realize how she was controlled because she thought this was real love. Maddy did not grow up with parents that showed the most love to her, so this probably was a reason why Maddy thought she was in love with Nate. She is a character that is loved but has her flaws. She is relatable because some teens have been in abusive relationships and have been controlled by their partners. They don’t realize it until it’s too late. Maddy can help teens by comparing their situations to hers and maybe finding clarity and finding out you can get out of this toxic relationship.

euphoria charactersMaddy

Nate was mentioned before is a controlling and abusive boyfriend, but something made him this way. Nate is the way he is because of his father. When Nate was a child, he found discs of his dad having relations with men. This traumatized Nate into who he is today. Nate is very insecure of his sexuality and hides it because that is what his father does. He hasn’t come to terms with who he is even when Maddy confronted him about it. He denies being gay because he feels it isn’t right. People can relate to Nate because of his childhood trauma and not being able to come to terms with their sexuality. Parents really do affect how people’s lives turn out sometimes and how they will grow up. If they will grow up hating themselves or loving themselves. Coming to terms with sexuality is something hard to come to terms with for some. Nate helps show his point of view on the hardships of trying to come to terms with who he is.

euphoria charactersNATE



thanks and stay healthy

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