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by kvpan.english


prasal verbs

by kvpan.english

доводить до конца

go through with


go in for


терпеть кого-то / что-то

put up with


run out of smth

sign up for

соответствовать ожиданиям

live up to

делать затевать

get up to

prasal verbs

Let's make a puzzle ! who is it?

by kvpan.english

  • 5
  • 4
  • oui
  • 5
  • 4
  • oui
  • 3
  • 3
  • oui

by kvpan.english

What's your opinion about this holiday? Do you celebrate it?

Some adults suppose Helloween to be a childish activity, while others enjoy being disguised and having a good time with their friends.

Helloween is known as one the most popular holidays in the world.It is celebrated by lots of people in different countries. They organize theme parties and often make hand made costumes with their children.


by kvpan.english



I can't _____ up with her. Why did you invite her at your helloween party?

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb. click to the pumpkin and play the game.

by kvpan.english



-Do the costumes _______ up to the judges' expectations? -Yes, certainly, they do. The show is incredible!

by kvpan.english



It was such an awkward moment! When children came to ask some sweets it turned out we had ___ out of them.

Let's read some senten ces and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english



Jane and Harry decided to ____ through all the difficulties and make a lantern-o-Jack. The result was astonishing!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb. click to the pumpkin and play the game.

by kvpan.english



I' ve never ____ in for American culture, but I am really keen on Helloween. The holiday is just gorgeous!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english



Would you ____ up for a horror magazine if you were a pensioner?

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english



I wonder what those children ______ up to yesterday?

Let's make a puzzle ! describe the picture.

by kvpan.english

  • 3
  • 3
  • oui
  • 5
  • 4
  • oui
  • 5
  • 4
  • oui

by kvpan.english

Be careful! Click here to try again!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english

Be careful! Click here to try again!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english

Be careful! Click here to try again!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english

Be careful! Click here to try again!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english

Be careful! to try again click here!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english

Be careful! Click here to try again!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english

Be careful! Click here to try again!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.

by kvpan.english

Be careful! Click here to try again!

Let's read some sentences and choose the correct pharasal verb.