Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Аудирование. ОГЭ по английскому языкуЗадание 1-4














A On the last day of the exhibition, the visitors can 1) see a documentary film. 2) take part in a lottery. 3) get a free book of their choice.

C What colour is the girl’s umbrella? 1) It’s black and white. 2) It’s light blue. 3) It’s multicoloured.

B The boy is going to come home later than usual because 1) he has to write his final test. 2) he wants to see a football game. 3) he needs to help his friend with homework.

D What sports activity has Alice chosen? 1) Yoga. 2) Swimming. 3) Aerobics.


A The new facility the guests of the hotel can enjoy this season is 1) an eco-farm with domestic animals. 2) a new swimming pool. 3) a garden with tropical plants.

B Amanda is going to celebrate her birthday on 1) Friday. 2) Saturday. 3) Sunday.

C What present has the man decided to buy for his nephew? 1) A set of Lego. 2) A set of paints. 3) A skateboard.

D What is James good at? 1) Foreign languages. 2) Writing poems. 3) Roller skating.


A Teenagers can study in the Computer centre 1) any day of the week. 2) from Monday to Friday. 3) at weekends.

B Yesterday Cathy 1) was taking care of her pet. 2) was at her friend’s birthday party. 3) was very busy with her homework.

C Where is Oliver staying while studying at the language school? 1) With his relatives. 2) In a student hostel. 3) With a host family.

D What’s Jane’s hobby? 1) Drawing. 2) Photography. 3) Cooking.


A The visitors of the zoo cannot see the small bear at the moment because 1) it is in quarantine. 2) it is sleeping. 3) it has moved to another zoo.

B Tomorrow Vicky should 1) be well-prepared for her Maths test. 2) present her work in the Science class. 3) submit an essay on a scientist of the past.rk.

C When is Mia going to have her birthday party? 1) In two weeks. 2) Next Saturday. 3) Tonight.

D What would Jess like to do this summer? 1) Improve her German in Germany. 2) Invite her cousins to Britain. 3) Visit her aunt in France.


A What present will you get, if you buy something today? 1) A tent. 2) A bicycle. 3) A watch.

B On Sunday, Sophie is invited 1) to attend an event in the sports centre. 2) to take part in a swimming competition. 3) to go to the city concert.

C Why did Sally miss Alex’s call yesterday? 1) Sally’s phone was not working properly. 2) Sally had muted her phone for a concert. 3) Sally had left her phone at home.

D What is Mark’s favourite subject? 1) Maths. 2) Science. 3) French.


C What school subject does Helen like? 1) History. 2) Maths. 3) Science.

D Nick’s brother is crying because 1) his new toy is broken. 2) Nick refuses to play with him. 3) a cousin borrowed his toy car.

A According to the announcement, the visitors of the shopping centre should 1) leave the building immediately. 2) continue their shopping 3) get together in the central lobby.

B Andrew asks Tom 1) to lend him a bicycle. 2) to take care of his pet. 3) to help him in the garden.


A The airport officials are looking for a person who 1) has lost their luggage. 2) has missed their check-in time. 3) has found another passenger’s documents.

C Why did Alex spend half a year in Australia? 1) He was studying at university there. 2) His father got a job there. 3) He visited his aunt and her family.

B Charlie is calling 1) to say sorry for being late to the cinema. 2) to invite Fred to see a film with him. 3) to share his impressions of the film.

D Why was it a problem for Joan to contact Tim by phone? 1) Tim was ignoring Joan’s calls. 2) Tim had forgotten to turn on his phone. 3) Tim had changed his phone number.


A The visitors of the library are invited 1) to watch a documentary film. 2) to attend a book exhibition. 3) to share their impressions.

B Andrea is calling 1) to inform Max about her plans for the weekend. 2) to tell Max about her summer job. 3) to invite Max to a party.

C Phil is worried about 1) his grandmother’s health. 2) his pet’s health. 3) his own health.

D What’s the current location of the language school? 1) In the suburbs of the city. 2) In the centre of the city. 3) Next to the university.


B Bob wants Tom to 1) invite him to the musical show. 2) lend him his guitar for a while. 3) take part in the school performance.

C What school subject does Jeff find most difficult? 1) Science. 2) French. 3) Computer Studies.

D Tomorrow, Sue is going to 1) relax at home. 2) go to the swimming pool. 3) visit a doctor.

A The excursion guide asks the tourists to 1) collect their bags from the bus. 2) take their lunch boxes. 3) board the bus.


A According to the football commentator, the players need to 1) go up to the referee. 2) change into their sportswear. 3) have a medical check.

B The boy asks for some advice on 1) how to make a cake. 2) what present to buy. 3) where to celebrate his birthday.

C Tomorrow, Tom is 1) going shopping. 2) watching a film. 3) visiting his grandparents.

D Why did Mike go to bed late yesterday? 1) He was out seeing a film. 2) He was busy with his Science project. 3) He was at a birthday party.


A The hiking instructor advises the hikers on 1) how to cook food on a fire. 2) what to wear on the hiking trip. 3) how to find the way through the forest

B What present does Mary suggest buying for their mother? 1) A pot plant. 2) An umbrella. 3) A cherry cake.

C Nancy doesn’t want to participate in the family business because 1) she is allergic to cats. 2) she doesn’t like animals. 3) she’s chosen another profession.

D What are Alice and Ron going to have for lunch? 1) Pancakes. 2) Spaghetti. 3) Sandwiches.


A The participants of the drawing contest are free to choose 1) any theme for their picture. 2) any drawing tools. 3) any place to sit.

B Jessica needs to decide 1) what birthday present to buy. 2) what to wear to a party. 3) where to spend the holiday.

C Why does Linda have to be in the medical centre? 1) She wants to support a member of her family. 2) She has to see a doctor for her stomach ache. 3) She needs to visit a dentist for an annual check-up.

D At the coming weekend Kate and Fred are going to 1) see the city aquarium 2) learn more about the history of the city 3) take a boat for a sea voyage


A At the end of the event, the participants are invited to 1) create a handmade souvenir. 2) take part in a lottery. 3) enjoy some cakes and drinks.

B Andrew is calling to find out 1) how long the excursion is going to be. 2) what transport they are going to use . 3) where the meeting point is.

C What birthday present has Ron bought for his niece? 1) A board game. 2) A new tablet. 3) A painting set.heck-up.

D What musical instrument does Emma play? 1) The violin. 2) The guitar. 3) The drums.


B Samantha wants to 1) find out what the homework is. 2) get help with her homework. 3) borrow a computer to do her homework.

A In the evening, the visitors of the entertainment park can see 1) a light show. 2) a dancing contest. 3) a roller skating competition.

C What place in the city impressed Greg most of all? 1) The robot exhibition. 2) The entertainment park. 3) The ice cream funfair.

D What pet has Emma got? 1) A cat. 2) A dog. 3) A parrot.


A The Spanish Club sessions are held 1) every weekday. 2) at weekends. 3) once a week.

B As the winner of the contest, Lucy has got 1) a yearly ticket to the planetarium. 2) a telescope to watch the stars. 3) an invitation to participate in a TV show.

C What place in the town is Ann’s favourite? 1) The orchard garden. 2) The shopping street. 3) The ancient tower.

D How is Sam’s family going to get to the seaside? 1) By plane. 2) By train. 3) By car.


A What activity is available for the language school students at the moment? 1) Horse-riding lessons. 2) Swimming lessons. 3) Gymnastics lessons.

B Thomas didn’t come to support his football team because 1) he confused the time of the game. 2) he had got stuck in a traffic jam. 3) he had to take part in some other competition.

C Ann’s order in the cafe is a cup of green tea and 1) an apple pie. 2) a vanilla cake. 3) a chocolate cake.

D What birthday present did Mia get? 1) A headphone set. 2) Ski glasses. 3) A smart watch.


A In the exam, the students are supposed to use 1) textbooks. 2) telephones. 3) computers.

B The girl is waiting for her parents 1) inside an airport terminal. 2) in a cafe in the centre of the city. 3) in a shopping centre.

C What sort of event is held in the town? 1) A folk music festival. 2) A running marathon. 3) A book fair.

D Ann asks Leo to 1) design a postcard on a computer. 2) write a text with birthday wishes. 3) help to choose a birthday present.


A This season, the new entertainment centre offers its services to 1) people of all ages. 2) schoolchildren only. 3) children under five.

B The boy is going to be late for the family celebration because he 1) has lost his way in the city. 2) helped tourists find the railway station. 3) forgot the time of their gathering.

C Where have Jill and Ben agreed to meet up? 1) In the theatre. 2) At a bus stop. 3) In the fitness centre.

D What sport is Ken going to take up? 1) Tennis. 2) Baseball. 3) Boxing.


A This weekend, the language school students can 1) meet a famous film-maker. 2) go on a day excursion. 3) enjoy a costume party.

B The girl asks her mother to 1) cook her favourite dish. 2) feed her pet bird. 3) give a book to her friend.

C Why did Amy miss the first lesson? 1) Her alarm clock did not work properly. 2) She confused the days of the week. 3) She had to visit a doctor in the morning.

D Alan wants to borrow1) a backpack.2) a bicycle.3) a tent.


A You will have to pay if you want to 1) rent a bike in the park. 2) enjoy the old photo exhibition. 3) see the tropical butterflies.

B The boy feels happy because 1) he did not have to take an exam at the language school. 2) he and his friend will be learning together. 3) he was placed into the most advanced group.

C What present are Jack and Flo going to buy for their grandfather? 1) A fishing rod. 2) Rubber boots. 3) A warm coat.

D Where did Ron spend Sunday?1) At the zoo.2) At a motor track.3) In a hotel room.


C On Sunday, Jane is … 1) attending a birthday party. 2) writing an essay. 3) going to the cinema.

A Today the customers can take part in … 1) a children’s book exhibition. 2) a lottery of international books. 3) a workshop on making souvenirs.

B Alice can’t go shopping with Mary because … 1) it’s her grandmother’s birthday. 2) she has to help her grandmother. 3) she is ill and has to see a doctor.

D For lunch the speakers are going to eat …1) sausages with beans.2) cheese sandwiches.3) spaghetti with tomatoes.