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- Palabra 1 - Palabra 1
- Palabra 2 - Palabra 2
- Palabra 3 - Palabra 3
- Palabra 4 - Palabra 4
But today she's playing polo
but today my granny is picking me up
but today they are having their meal at work
but today he is coming late
Ana usually plays tennis
I often walk home
my parents have lunch at home
une las dos partes para formar una prase
alan is always on time
Une las frases
ps vs pc
Noelia Pallavicini
Created on October 12, 2022
poresente simple y continuo
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La solución aparecerá en 30 segundos
- Palabra 1 - Palabra 1
- Palabra 2 - Palabra 2
- Palabra 3 - Palabra 3
- Palabra 4 - Palabra 4
But today she's playing polo
but today my granny is picking me up
but today they are having their meal at work
but today he is coming late
Ana usually plays tennis
I often walk home
my parents have lunch at home
une las dos partes para formar una prase
alan is always on time
Une las frases