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Use technological resources to develop the teaching and learning process in a dynamic way, according to the requirements of the digital era, and working individually or in a collaborative setting.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies turpis velit, nec ultrices mauris tempus id. Aliquam sed arcu consequat, fermentum est id, viverra nisl. Sed massa magna, facilisis sed ornare at, consectetur non ligula. Etiam ex ipsum, elementum eget congue quis, ultricies et magna. Nullam luctus ullamcorper nibh sit amet porta. Donec in diam luctus, convallis felis ac, gravida mi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies turpis velit, nec ultrices mauris tempus id. Aliquam sed arcu consequat, fermentum est id, viverra nisl. Sed massa magna, facilisis sed ornare at, consectetur non ligula. Etiam ex ipsum, elementum eget congue quis, ultricies et magna. Nullam luctus ullamcorper nibh sit amet porta. Donec in diam luctus, convallis felis ac, gravida mi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies turpis velit, nec ultrices mauris tempus id. Aliquam sed arcu consequat, fermentum est id, viverra nisl. Sed massa magna, facilisis sed ornare at, consectetur non ligula. Etiam ex ipsum, elementum eget congue quis, ultricies et magna. Nullam luctus ullamcorper nibh sit amet porta. Donec in diam luctus, convallis felis ac, gravida mi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies turpis velit, nec ultrices mauris tempus id. Aliquam sed arcu consequat, fermentum est id, viverra nisl. Sed massa magna, facilisis sed ornare at, consectetur non ligula. Etiam ex ipsum, elementum eget congue quis, ultricies et magna. Nullam luctus ullamcorper nibh sit amet porta. Donec in diam luctus, convallis felis ac, gravida mi.

Mobile devices and their use for teaching Cell phones were considered a nuisance to educators, which is why schools banned all electronic devices in the 1990s.

Use technological resources to develop the teaching and learning process in a dynamic way, according to the requirements of the digital era, and working individually or in a collaborative setting.

Mobile devices and their use for teaching Cell phones were considered a nuisance to educators, which is why schools banned all electronic devices in the 1990s.

This was also partly because school administrators feared that these devices would be used by students who were attempting to do things that were illegal.

Unfortunatelyadministrators, cell phones became increasingly popular by the late 1990s and, by 2002.

There were calls for lawmakers and administrators to reconsider bans of cell phones in the school..

However, educators couldn’t stop the use of these devices. As the 2000s rolled along, even elementary school students commonly used cell phones daily.

There are some benefits to use cellphone in the classroom.

-Expanding opportunities and ensuring equal access to education. - Learning personalization. - Instant feeback and evaluation of learning results. - Learning an any time and anywhere.


The history of cell phones in the classroom is therefore one in which cell phones transitioned from being devices that educators feared to tools that educators embraced. Cell phones became not only increasingly ubiquitous but increasingly powerful, making them capable of replacing devices like laptops and computers. It should be no surprise then that school administrators and educators shifted toward embracing these devices as classroom tools.

The history of cell phones in the classroom is therefore one in which cell phones transitioned from being devices that educators feared to tools that educators embraced. Cell phones became not only increasingly ubiquitous but increasingly powerful, making them capable of replacing devices like laptops and computers.