Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


“What is art but a way of seeing?” –Saul Bellow

Stippling Video

Sgraffito Video

Blending Video

Link-Artist 1

Link-Artist 2

Click on each category below to learn a different technique, then look at the 3 artists who use pastels!

Link-Artist 3


by Mrs. Girbino

Oil Pastels

General Tips:

  • Always create with newspaper underneath to
  • catch oll pastel flakes.
  • Try layering techniques for endless possibilitles.

stippling "Stippling: Stippling is a technique that basically just means “lots of tiny dots”! In pastels, stippling is frequently used to put lots of colors next to each other, so that when you step back from the painting, the painting fools your eyes into mixing the colored dots together." from: https://ignite.hepl.lib.in.us/oil-pastels-techniques-for-beginners/ Oil Pastels: Techniques for Beginners - Ignite Studio at HEPLBy Sydney Brink Have you been itching to try a new media recently? Ignite's kit library has reopened! You can come in and check out our kits to help...Ignite Studio at HEPL

blending oil pastels 1. Heavy Pressure BlendingGenerously add oil pastel in one direction onto your paper. Layer additional colors on top to create a rich, blended look. Experiment with black or white pastel for shadowing and highlighting effects. 2. Light Pressure BlendingLightly add oil pastels on paper with little pressure. Layer more colors to achieve various values or even different hues. 3. Color MixingApply a rich layer of oil pastel then follow with another color applied on top (consider trying primaries first). Continue to blend/layer additional colors to achieve your desired hue. from: https://theartofeducation.edu/2015/05/20/7-distinct-techniques-to-transform-your-oil-pastel-projects/ 7 Distinct Techniques to Transform Your Oil Pastel Projects - The Art of Education UniversityOil pastels are one of those mediums that you either love or hate. Sometimes, the mess of them smeared over every surface just outweighs the benefits...The Art of Education University

Composition1924 Otto Freundlich(German, 1878–1943) Germany, 20th century

Sgraffito sgraffito, (Italian: “scratched”), in the visual arts, a technique used in painting, pottery, and glass, which consists of putting down a preliminary surface, covering it with another, and then scratching the superficial layer in such a way that the pattern or shape that emerges is of the lower colour. During the Middle Ages, especially in panel painting and in the illumination of manuscripts, the ground was often of gold leaf. In wall painting, or mural painting, two layers of different-coloured plaster are usually employed. In stained glass, the scratching is done through a top layer of coloured glass, revealing clear glass beneath; in pottery the pattern is incised through a white or coloured slip (mixture of clay and water washed over the vessel before firing), revealing the body colour beneath. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "sgraffito". Encyclopedia Britannica, 16 May. 2014, https://www.britannica.com/art/sgraffito. Accessed 2 October 2022.

Shoutin'1985 Moe Brooker(American, 1940–2022) America

Groovin'1992 Malcolm Brown(American, 1931–2020) America, 20th century