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Language CentreUniversity of Exeter


Spanish Intermediate One T1. Semana 1


Contact info





Use of ELE






Spanish Intermediate One is a two-term course for students of Spanish as a second language. It builds on the Spanish Beginners and aims to develop your reading, listening, writing, speaking and interacting skills in a range of topics related to Spain and Latin America. You will therefore be able to develop your intercultural competence and employability skills.The exit level of Spanish Intermediate One is equivalent to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

We hope you enjoy the course!

Welcome to Spanish Intermediate 1!

Teaching approach

  • COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH. This module follows a communicative language teaching approach that blends reading, listening, speaking and writing.
  • USE OF SPANISH. The classroom should be considered an extension of the outside world, and therefore classes will be conducted in Spanish. Use of English will be kept to an absolute minimum. This should be regarded as an opportunity to immerse yourself in authentic communicative exchanges with both your tutor and your classmates. Although frustrating at times, constant exposure to Spanish and taking risks with the language while using it are fundamental to making progress.
  • ENGAGEMENT. Since learning a language requires interpreting, expressing and negotiating meaning, you should take all the opportunities provided to engage in communicative situations during class. Not understanding everything that is said is part of the learning process and students should work through this and develop strategies to facilitate comprehension.
  • YOUR TUTOR. Remember: your tutor is a great resource, and will be very happy to help you in class and during office hours, so please do use them to make the most of your learning experience. However, ultimate responsibility for your learning, achievement and marks lies with you. You are therefore expected to come to class well prepared, to participate actively and to do your homework.
  • This is generally a practical hour .
  • You will find the weekly materials on ELE.
  • 15-credit students only attend hours 1 and 2

Hour 3

Hours 1 and 2

  • These will be the first two hours of the week.
  • You will find the weekly materials on ELE.





Select your module


Please be aware that no late work will be accepted, regardless of the reason.Your tutor will no mark assignments submitted after the indicated deadline and you will miss an opportunity to receive feedback. (Mitigation applies only to Summative assessment)

Vocabulary and grammar - Week 10

Listening comprehension - Week 5


Written Response to a Reading - Week 7

Reading comprehension task + grammar and vocab exercises - Week 5

Term 2

Term 1

4 Formative Tasks in total

Assessment Formative

More information

May - Date TBC by Exams Team (not tutors)

Group Multimedia Task - Week 9 [25 %]

Integrated Reading & Writing Week 12 [15%]

Absence due to holidays or leaving campus earlier to travel are not acceptable reasons for missing a summative assessment. Under no circumstances will be an assessment rescheduled in such circumstances. For example, going to a wedding, applying for a visa to travel abroad or leaving campus earlier because your flight is cheaper will not be considered acceptable circumstances.

Term 3 - Two written tasks [25%]

Final Exam

Term 2 - week 10* or 11 [25%]

Oral Exam

e-Listening comprehension - Week 7 [10 %]

Term 2

Term 1


Final Exam 25 %

Oral Exam 25 %

Portfolio 50 %

Summative Asessment

  • For pedagogical reasons, attendance at every class, punctuality and regular, active participation in all activities are compulsory.
  • Active participation involves doing your daily homework, asking and answering questions, and listening and negotiating meaning in Spanish with your tutor and classmates. Active participation and linguistic experimentation when learning a foreign language are fundamental to making progress.
  • Any persistent issues of non-attendance or poor performance will be brought to the attention of the College Office.

Attendance, participation and completion of daily homework

  • You are expected to familiarise yourself with the module’s ELE page, and the materials and course information you will find there, which will be updated regularly.
  • If you miss a class, you can use the materials on ELE to help keep up; it is your responsibility to do so. Please note that your tutor is not able to send you materials via e-mail. Alternatively, arrange with a classmate to practise classroom activities that you miss.

Use of ELE


For more information please see the section on Academic conduct and practice

  1. Concealing information about previous language experience.
  2. Having someone else write an assignment or a section of an assignment for you.
  3. Having someone else proofread an assignment before submitting it.
  4. Using translation software to complete an assignment or AI.
  5. Not providing a reference for ideas which are not your own.
  6. Copying or paraphrasing a text without acknowledging the source.
  7. Quoting a text without speech marks and without acknowledgment.
  8. Using texts or sentences from your formative tasks in summative exams.

‘Academic honesty is fundamental to the values promoted by the University and no student should be allowed to obtain for themselves, or for someone else, an unfair advantage as a result of academic dishonesty, whether this is by plagiarism, collusion with another, or cheating. The University takes any instances of academic misconduct very seriously and expects all of its students to behave in a manner which upholds the principles of academic honesty.’ The following are just some examples of academic misconduct:

Academic honesty

Please click here to see the list of topics we will be covering in this module. Please note that the list is not comprehensive.


Please note that the list is not comprehensive, and it may be subject to changes.

Week 2

Week 12

Week 11

Week 10

Week 9

Week 8

Week 7

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week by week programme

Languages are an essential tool to compete in a global job market, and to succeed in the workplace. Employers are increasingly aware of the benefits that language skills bring to their companies, which explains why languages have become so extremely popular in Higher Education.A high proportion of our language students walk straight into good jobs once they graduate. Language students are more attractive to employers than others thanks to the wide range of transferable skills they obtain from learning a language.

Spanish and employability

Mr Chris DayC.Day@exeter.ac.ukTatiana RomeroT.Romero2@exeter.ac.uk

Office hours: Please, email us beforehand.

Tutors contact information and office hours

Mafalda y sus amigos,

Muchas gracias por elegir FLS2230...