Exercise Science Programs
Jennifer Fay
Created on September 21, 2022
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I want to be a.....
Exercise Science
Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist or Certified Athletic Trainer
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Fitness & Wellness Director
Healthy Lifestyles Coach
The ASU Healthy Lifestyles and Fitness Science path within the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science are the ideal path for students interested in pursuing careers in the health and wellness coaching field. After completing this Bachelor degree and one supervised coaching practical course, students are eligible for the National Board Certification for Health and Wellness Coaches.
The ASU Sport Science and Performance Programming Transfer Options within the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science prepares students to sit for the National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Sports and Conditioning Specialist Certification, the most broadly recognized credential for the field.
Potential Pathways
Physical & Occupational Therapy, Athletic Training
Option #2: Clincal Exercise Science (ASU) & Sports Science & Performance Programming (ASU)
Option #1 Kinesiology (ASU) & Exercise Science (NAU)
Option #3: Fitness & Wellness (NAU)
The ASU Kinesiology and NAU Exercise Science Transfer Options within the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science are the ideal path for students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Athletic Training if the student desires the following:
- Courses that focus on human movement from a physiological, anatomical, biomechanical, and psychological perspective.
- Courses that explore the "why" of human movement and emphasize theory and basic research
- A pathway that has embedded within it the vast majority, if not all of the prerequisites for graduate school in these fields
The ASU Clinical Exercise Science and ASU Sport Science and Performance Programming Transfer Options within the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science are the ideal path for students interested in in pursuing a graduate degree in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Athletic Training who desire:
- Courses that focus on the study of human performance and how the body responds and adapts to physical activity/exercise
- Courses that explore the "how" of human movement, emphasizing applied research and hands-on-learning experiences.
- A pathway that provides the opportunity for immediate employment within related fields, such as Cardiac Rehabilitation or Strength and Conditioning, upon earning a Bachelor's degree, while also allowing for the completion of many of the prerequisites for graduate school in these fields
The NAU Fitness and Wellness Transfer Option within the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science is the ideal path for students interested in in pursuing a graduate degree in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Athletic Training who desire:
- Courses that focus on the study of human performance and how the body responds and adapts to exercise
- Courses that explore the "how" of human movement, emphasizing applied research and hands-on-learning experiences.
- A pathway that provides the opportunity to earn multiple credentials throughout the education journey.
- A pathway that provides the opportunity for immediate employment as a personal trainer upon completing the MCC certificate in Personal Training, or as a Fitness Director upon earning a Bachelor's degree, while also allowing for the completion of many of the prerequisites for graduate school in these fields
Potential Pathways
Fitness & Wellness Director
Option #2: Healthy Lifestyles & Fitness Science (ASU)
Option #1 Clinical Exercise Science (ASU)
Option #3: Fitness Wellness (NAU)
The ASU Clinical Exercise Science Transfer Options within the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science is the ideal path for students interested in obtaining employment in the field of Health and Wellness following completion of a Bachelor's degree who would like:
- Courses that focus on the study of human performance and how the body responds and adapts to physical activity/exercise.
- Courses that explore the "how" of human movement, emphasizing applied research and hands-on-learning experiences.
- A pathway that provides the opportunity for immediate employment within the field.
The ASU Healthy Lifestyles and Fitness Science Transfer Option within the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science is the ideal path for students interested in obtaining employment in the field of Health and Wellness following their bachelors degree who would like:
- Courses that focus on lifestyle coaching.
- An opportunity to become eligible for the National Board Certification for Health and Wellness Coaches (after completing one supervised coaching practical course).
- A pathway that provides the opportunity for immediate employment within the field.
A Stackable Pathway: From Personal Training Certifciate to Bachelor's Degree
Fitness Wellness
The Certificate in Personal Training: Advanced fully prepares students for employment as personal trainers. It fully embeds into the AAS in Exercise Science: Health, Fitness, & Sports Performance (which provide the critical thinking and communication skills required for advancement in the field).
The Certificate in Personal Training Prepares Students to sit for the ACSM, NASM, NSCA, & ACE Certified Personal Training Exams and fully embeds into the Certificate in Personal Training: Advanced (which will include advanced hands-on courses that foster the development of critical thinking and leadership skills important for developing, implementing and leading exercise programs).
Certificate in Personal Training
Certificate in Personal Training: Advanced
Associate in Applied Science in Exercise Science: Health, Fitness, & Sports Performance or Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Exercise Science
Bachelor of Science Fitness Wellness NAU
The AAS in Exercise Science provides personal trainers with the knowledge and skills requisite for advancement in the field. Additionally, MCCCD has a 75/45 Articulation Agreement with NAU's Bachelor of Science Program in Fitness Wellness. Both the AAS in Exercise Science: Health, Fitness, & Sports Performance & the AA, Emphasis in Exercise Science fully stack into the BS in Fitness Wellness.
The Bachelor of Science in Fitness Wellness at NAU prepares students to be directors and coordinators of recreational, nonprofit, corporate, and health club facilities.
Potential Pathways
Personal Training
Certificate of Completion in Personal Training
Certificate of Completion in Personal Training: Advanced
AAS in Exercise Science: Health, Fitness, & Sports Performance
The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Personal Training is designed to prepare students for the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and the American Council on Exercise (ACE) personal trainer certifications.
The curriculum for the Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Personal Training: Advanced includes the foundational courses required for the CCL in Personal Training coupled with advanced hands-on courses that foster the development of critical thinking and leadership skills important for developing, implementing and leading exercise programs.
The AAS in Exercise Science: Health, Fitness, & Sports Performance provide the critical thinking and communication skills required for advancement in the field.