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The Indus Valley
Silhouette of Sherlock Holmes.
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There is no agreed upon explanation for the collapse of the Indus civilisation, so many theories have been put forward. Consider some of the most popular.

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The Indus Valley


Theory 3. Water: Drought, Flood and Rivers

Theory 1. Invasion and War

Theory 2. Disease

Theory 4.Trade

Bonus Theory!Did it even collapse at all?

The Theories

Select a theory

Reproduction by permission of Oriental Museum, Durham University.

The Bodies

The Conflicting Evidence

An Ancient Poem

Invasion and War

Could invaders have ransacked Indus cities?

Reproduction by permission of Oriental Museum, Durham University.

A Transformation of Trade?

Possible Consequences

What Happened?


Did the sudden disruption of trade with Mesopotamia cause hardship?

Diseases and Epidemics

How Do Archaeologists Study Disease?

Arguments Against Disease


Was there a catastrophic outbreak of disease?

Adapting to the Environment

Natural Disasters

Climate Change

Water: Drought, Flood & Rivers

Did natural disasters and climate change force people to live differently?

Although many theories suggest that the Indus Civilisation had a sudden end, some archaeologists argue that we should not call this a 'collapse' because life likely continued as normal for the many people dwelling in smaller settlements and living agrarian lives. The hallmarks of Indus culture such as standardised weights and measures and the Indus script did not vanish overnight, but instead gradually faded. This points to a loss of communication between sites, meaning that people's worlds likely became smaller and more regional over time rather than the civilisation ending in a single disaster. Climate change, changes in trade and disease may have all played a role in this. Ultimately, Indus culture merged with the cultures around it, potentially influencing them in ways that archaeologists have yet to realise.


Did the Indus Civilisation really collapse?