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  • Bilingual Dictionary - Basic word translation only (cannot be used in Communication tests)
  • Supervised Rest Breaks - These can be taken as often as needed, clock is stopped while taking a break. The learner cannot look at the paper while taking a break.
  • Exam Reading Pen - A pen that reads aloud as you push it accross the page - Only works for paper tests
  • Prompter - Can prompt only not read or explain questions
  • Coloured paper

Diagnostic Assessment for ESOL learners with additional learning needsIf you think that your ESOL learner has difficulties that arise from a disability or additional learning need and not just a language barrier, please complete an ALN Referral form on Smart Assessor.

REACH Wales REACH is a project funded by Welsh Government for anyone in Wales wanting to learn English. They assess the learners skills and then recommend appropriate English courses. An appointment can be made online for the learner to attend one of their centres. (Cardiff, Newport, Swansea and Wrexham). The assessment takes around 2 hours and will include a short interview to test listening and speaking skills followed by a reading and writing task. Once the learner has received their results, they will have a short discussion with the REACH team who will explain what courses are available and the details of each. Aiming to get the learner on an English course that is at the right level for them within a few weeks of assessment. Most of the courses are free and online days and evenings so really accessible. The link below takes you to the websites booking page.

Reasonable AdjustmentsWhilst we cannot apply for readers or scribes there are a few reasonable asjustments that are applicable if they are the learners normal way of working. These are:

UK ENIC – the UK National Information Centre for the recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills. UK ENIC provide a service that translates qualifications gained overseas into the recognised UK equivalent. There is a charge for the service £49.50+VAT. If the statement received shows the equivalent levels required for proxies it can be used to proxy Essential Skills qualifications.

Language difficulties arising from a learner speaking English as a second language are not defined as an additional learning need. Therefore, we cannot apply for access arrangements such as readers or scribes. There are other ways we can support the learner, these are listed below:

English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)