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Although we cannot neglect the positive effect of technology on collective development, it has also brought disadvantages that affect individuals and even the planet.These are some of them:

Technology has allowed us rapid access to information, breaking the barrier of distance, facilitating learning, greater productivity and efficiency, offering entertainment, creating new jobs. among other advantages such as:

Its main role is to create the improvement of tools and accessories that have been useful in simplifying time saving and work effort.

THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON DIGITAL GENERATION Disventage: 1. It can negatively affect productivity Inadequate use of technology through mobile devices can cause issues at workplace, among students and people, since it encourages distraction. 2. It can generate unemployment In the near future, the mechanization of processes, especially in the manufacturing sector, may make labour force less and less necessary. 3. It leads to social isolation and loneliness The use of thechology through house hold devices produces isolation which could cause individual to be connected to the world events but disconnected from each other. 4. Generation of technological waste In the past, technological development was focused to be long lasting products; today, devices stop working in a very short time, taking a lot of years to degrade, which affects the environment and people´s quality of life. 5. Privacy and security issues Data sharing has brought negative consequences, such as digital scams, online harassment, extortion, identity theft, and other issues that may put human life at risk. 6. Enables the creation of weapons It is used for military purposes, manufacturing metal weapons with electromagnetic technology or guided missiles. 7. Possible damage to health The time in front of mobile devices is increasing. This decrese in physical activity can cause such as obesity, damage to mental health and other chronic pathologies.

THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON DIGITAL GENERATION IMPORTANCE Honestly, technology is no longer important, it is necessary. The world became dependent on her, but worse than that, addicted. Everything around us is technology, from a watch, a calculator to cars, planes, the famous computers. Technology has brought great benefits to humanity, its main role is to create the improvement of tools and accessories that have been useful in simplifying time savings and work effort Technology has played an important role in our health. On the other hand, technology has also been used for purposes that harm man. Today technology has had an impact that has affected our society in a positive and negative way, and for us it is essential, since we are used to a way of life where technology is the main role in our social environment.

THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON DIGITAL GENERATION ADVANTAGE 1. Facilitates the emergence of collaborative communities. 2. It opens the possibility of using free software programs and systems. The global is also local, and vice versa. 3 .Immediacy increases effectiveness response. 4. Facilitates communications and information exchange 5. Improves industrial productivity and the use of resources thanks to the optimization of time, for example using technologies such as big data or artificial Intelligence, which allows teams to spend more time on more creative tasks and not so much on repetitive activities. 6. Automates and accelerates processes ( Industry 4.0). 7. Gives access to information and facilitates its analysis and processing (Big data). 8. Allows more exhaustive quality processes. 9. It provides revolutionary solutions in the field of health and science, from robotic surgery to DNA modifications. 10. Facilitates the emergence of collaborative communities. 11. Opens the possibility of using free software programs and themes.