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Summer work





Carol Wolff


1. Learn new words. Try and learn 15 new words a week 2. Write sentences for at least 15 words you find difficult to learn 3. Vocabulary Choice board - do at least 3 on the choice board

9th grade

Unit 4 Mindset Plus

8th grade

New Directions PLUS unit 4


Choose a Book or a Magazine or a Comic1. READ your book2. Write or record a few sentences saying what it is about3. Write 5 new words and what they mean


You have 6 choice - try and do all of them or do some twice.

Click on a book to get your topic


read and record yourself

You have 6 texts to read. Practise before you record yourself.


Extra: Now continue the story


Read and Record Yourself


Extra: Now continue the story


Read and Record yourself


Extra: Now continue the story


read and record yourself


Extra: Now continue the story


Read and Record Yourself


Extra: Now continue the story


Read and Record yourself


Extra: Explain the advantages of living in the area you live in.

Write a story about a trip you went on when there was a storm.You can follow this plan:

  • Where you went and who you went with you
  • Describe the storm
  • What happened in the end

How to write a story

Write a letter about your problem to “Aunt Aggie” which is a problem-solving page in a magazine.Say:

  • what the problem is
  • how you feel about it
  • ask for help
Here are some ideas:
  • You do not get enough pocket money
  • Your friends do not want to go shopping with you
  • You have been invited to a party and cannot go because you must baby sit your younger sibling or cousin
  • You think one of your classmates stole your phone

Write a review of a film that you really likeFollow this plan:

  • The name of the film
  • What type of film it is (action/drama…)
  • The main characters
  • The plot (what happened)
  • Why you like/dislike the film

How to

Writing a song about SummerThink About Summer

  • What do you love about summer? (e.g., beaches, sunshine, ice cream, parties, travelling...)
  • Verse 1
  • Chorus
  • Verse 2
  • Chorus
  • Verse 3
  • Chorus

How to write a song

Write an email to your e-mail friend, Tal, describing your new friendSay:

  • who your friend is
  • where you met
  • what you do together
  • why you like your new friend

How to