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A Dystopian society

A futuristic imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureacratic, techonological, philosophical/ religious or totalitarian control.

1. The society is promoted to the citizens as being a perfect world.

7. People live in a dehumanized state.

6. Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.

5. People have a fear of the outside world.

4. Conformity is expected.Individuality and dissent is bad. The natural world is banished and distruted.

2. Propaganda is used to control.

3. Information, freedom and independant thought are restricted. There are rules.


They often feel trapped.They question the existing social and political system.They beleive or feel that something is terrible wrong with the society .They help the audicence to recognize the negative aspect of the dystopian world throught his or her perspective.

The dystopian characters

-Characters escape their fate.-Characters "win".-Characters meet an untimely end.-Establishment "wins".

Terrible things happen to the characters:

Let's start!

"I promise I will come back for you." "The ceremony of Twelve will determine your Assignment." "You will be the new Receiver of Memories."

Please, take note of the societal structure, technology, and the role of individual freedom.

Pay attention to these sentences!

