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IES La PanderaLos Villares, Jaén, SPAIN

Erasmus+ project"Modernization is coming"2019-2022

November 2022. Lagonegro, ItalyMarch 2022. Gonnoi, Greece

Job shadowing

November 2021Lagonegro, Italy

March 2022Gònnoi, Grece

Main objetives

To learn about the functioning of a language centre and the curricular integration of foreign languages (English and French).To learn and exchange of good practices that help us to modernise and internationalise our school and to solve our weaknesses as a school institution.

To learn about the growth of a school in a rural area.Exchange of ideas for Erasmus+ Projects.Exchange of good practises.To widen contacts for future eTwinning and Erasmus projects.22



Visit to a language laboratory in Lagonegro (Italy).

Meeting with Italian collegues for preparing our next mobility of group with special needs children.Lagonegro (Italy)

Job shadowing in a class in Gonnoi (Greece)

Staff meeting with 2nd. headmaster.Gonnoi (Greece)

1st proyectApril and May 2021


April and March 2021

eTwinning project

"Words in freedom"

Subjetc: Arts in Europe at beginning of 20th centuryObjetives: To Know European art at that period.To improve curricular language.To improve digital skills.


eTwinning project

"Words in freedom"

Working in class with students from others countries.


1) Active your English A1-A22) Active your English B1-B23) ICT. IT for teaching.

February 2020Dublin, Ireland

March 2022Prague, Zcech Republic

Training courses

1) CLIL. Content and language integrated learning.2) Special needs children.3) Encouraging creative thinking modules.



Course: Special needs children.

Course: Encouraging creative thinking modules.

Course: Active your English B1-B2

Course: ICT for teaching.

Teaching mobility

Teaching a Spanish Literature lesson in Italy.November 2021


Others activities and mobilities

Italian school visit us as partner school.Los Villares, SpainNovember 2019


Mayoress receives our school. Lagonegro, Italy.November 2022

French colleague visit us to prepare their mobility of group.Los Villares, SpainFebruary 2022

Eramus+ workshop in Murcia, Spain. June 2019

IES La PanderaLos Villares, Jaén, SPAIN