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Chronological Order of El Salvador

Conquest and independece

Late Classic 600 - The Loma de Caldera volcano erupts, burning and burying Joya de Cerén. In San Andres the original plaza is filled in and the Acropolis is built. The Tamasha phase begins in the Western Coastal Plain of El Salvador, the sites of this phase were part of the Cotzumalhuapa culture and the main site of this phase was Cara Sucia (in the department of Ahuachapán). San Andres along with Tazumal, Quelepa, Cara Sucia and others reached its peak. In Copán the Copador pottery begins to be manufactured, which was a distinctive of the late classic in the central and western zone of El Salvador. The Ejotal phase ends and the Fogón phase begins in the Paradise Basin or Cerrón Grande area.

Paleo-Indian PeriodXI millennium B.C.- Arrival of humans in El Salvador; first occupation of the Cueva del Espíritu Santo.VIII millennium B.C.- Extinction of megafauna animals worldwide. Humans throughout the world survive in the manner of their ancestors by feeding on the plants and animals that remain in their territory.VII millennium B.C.-VI millennium B.C.- Human beings look for new ways to adapt and survive to the new natural conditions they face.

At the end of 1524 or beginning of 1525 Pedrarias Dávila (conqueror of Panama and Nicaragua) sent Francisco Hernández de Córdoba to Honduras and this in turn sent Hernando de Soto to Olancho passing through Nequepio (the name by which the Chorotega Indians knew the Señorío de Cuzcatlán), before this Pedro de Alvarado sent a group of men led by Gonzalo de Alvarado to found the town of San Salvador; The town of San Salvador was founded by Diego de Holguin and Gonzalo de Alvarado on April 1, 1525 in an unknown location. In 1526, an indigenous uprising broke out, forcing the abandonment of the town.

Epoca Precolombina

Expedition of Pedro de Alvarado (June-July 1524) In June 1524, Pedro de Alvarado left the town of Iximché in the current territory of Guatemala to begin the process of conquering Cuscatlán. Under his command were some 250 Spanish soldiers and 6,000 indigenous allies, mainly Tlaxcalans. After passing through the towns of Itzcuintepec, Atiepac, Tacuilula, Taxisco, Guazacapán, Chiquimulilla, Tzinacaután, Naucintlán and Paxco, he arrived at the western banks of the Paz River and crossed it to enter the Náhuas' territories. After a few leagues on the road he arrived at a town of Mochizalco (today Nahuizalco), which Alvarado found deserted, because its inhabitants had abandoned it after learning of the outrages he had committed on the other side of the Paz River. He then continued on to the town of Acatepec, which had also been abandoned by its inhabitants.

President Rafael Zaldívar, who had substituted González in 1876, decreed in 1881 and 1882, several laws that annulled the Manuel Enrique Araujo, who was a physician by profession, implemented a series of social and economic reforms. Araujo's reformist policy was interrupted by his assassination, which was committed by three individuals who ended up shot; although the cause and intellectual authors of the crime have never been clarified. The system of communal lands and ejidos, prevalent in the country since colonial times. This legislation virtually allowed a few families to own large tracts of land. Zaldívar was overthrown in 1885, succeeded by General Francisco Menéndez, who promulgated the Constitution of 1886, with liberal principles. During this period, European families arrived in the country and quickly became economically powerful due to their knowledge of the international market. These families developed in the area of commerce and in the production and industrialization of coffee.In 1969, the 100-hour war took place with the invasion of southern Honduras by the Salvadoran Army and Air Force. This conflict had its origins in the 1920s, when thousands of Salvadorans migrated to Honduras in search of better living conditions.The year 1980 was very decisive for the beginning of the civil war in El Salvador, given the series of repressive events by the State and paramilitary organizations, replicated by violent actions of the guerrilla organizations.

Consolidation of Spanish rule (1540-1760) The provinces of San Salvador and San Miguel within the governorate of Guatemala, before the creation of the Real Audiencia de los Confines in 1542. In the years following the conquest, the Spanish introduced European animals and crops into the territory of El Salvador. There was a great effort to inculcate the culture and religion of the conquerors to the indigenous people. The religious orders, especially the Franciscans and Dominicans, collaborated with the Spanish Empire in the evangelization process. The encomienda system was established to control the native population. This system was the reward that each conquistador received for his service to the Crown.On September 15, 1821, at a meeting in Guatemala City, the representatives of the Central American provinces declared their independence from Spain and formed a provisional Governing Board, presided over by the former Spanish Captain General, Gabino Gaínza. The news of independence reached San Salvador on September 21. Once Central American independence was achieved, there were only three options left to the nascent union of provinces: first, to preserve the unity of the provinces; second, to become independent in well-defined nations; or third, to annex to the Mexican Empire.


Coffe and wars

Colonitation and independece