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Hello, welcome everybody



Italy is a peninsula shaped like a boot washed by the Mediterranean Sea, made up of about 77% of mountains and hills. It is divided into 20 regions, including the two major islands Sicily and Sardinia. The beauty of Italy is due to the great variety of climate and landscape: in a not very vast space you will encounter very different natural landscapes and different climates thanks to a particular geographical position. In fact, Italy has the largest number of sites included in the list of World Heritage: 58 sites.


Lazio is a region with ordinary statute of central Italy, with capital Rome. With 5 710 811 inhabitants, it is the second most populated region in Italy after Lombardy, and the ninth largest. The provinces of Lazio are five: Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Rome and Viterbo.


Formia is an Italian town of 37 287 inhabitants and is located in the southern Pontine of Lazio borders with, Esperia, Gaeta, Itri, Minturno, and Spigno Saturnia. The most important places to visit are: The village of Mola Church of San Lorenzo and San Giovanni Battista, The Tomb of Cicerone

our school

In our Institute (I.T.C. "G. Filangieri") we study mainly subjects such as law, political economy and business economics. In addition to the traditional path AFM (finance and marketing administration), you can choose the tourist route,or SIA articulation ( business information systems). The presence of a two-year cultural training, broad and general, in addition to provides a solid basic preparation, and It facilitates any reorientation to other directions through additional examinations.

The studies (three-year) focus the training offer on a tourist-business environment, which sees the operator and the tourist company in all its forms as the centre of investigation. The study the tourism sector is always framed in a broader economic and legal system, national and international, and also addressed with the integrated use of new technologies and with communicative forms involving the intensive use of foreign languages. The three-year course allows the graduate of Tourism, as required by the reform, the acquisition of specific skills in the tourism sector and economic and legal competences more generally applicable to all types of enterprises, both in national and international contexts.

Skills related to management are developed company as a whole and the management of the company information system, the evaluation, the choice and adaptation of application software, the implementation of new procedures, with in particular with regard to the storage system, network communication and security

other branches

FERMI Those who attend the Professional Institute "E. Fermi" instead study more practical subjects such as Electrical and Electronic Technologies or General and Applied Psychology.

TALLINI The Technical Institute for Surveyors is the perfect school for those interested in communication, chemistry and biotechnology and especially for those interested in working in the construction industry and studying mainly subjects such as Geopedology, Topography, Plant Design and Construction, Communication Theory, Chemistry and Biology.


What can you do after attending these schools?

In addition to being able to continue university studies depending on the school and the chosen address, it is possible to undertake numerous professional paths



you can work in the field of banking, insurance and commercial services, administrative and tax accounting, management of business information systems but also in travel agencies and tourism companies.

Private construction companies and real estate companies, engineering firms, architecture and graphic design, photo studios and publishing houses and private analysis laboratories.

you can work as a mechanic, electrician, in schools as a practical technical teacher of laboratory, in kindergarten or centers for the elderly and disabled or you can continue your studies by taking degree courses in Psychology, Educational Sciences, Health Professions, Motor Science and Nursing

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