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Barium Iron Oxide: PDF Entry 00-039-1433

Use your mouse to hover over the interactive elements in the red sections of the PDF card and click to learn more.

PDF: This tab displays general information about the PDF entry, such as the various formulas and names.

Experimental: This tab displays the experimental conditions for the PDF entry, such as the radiation type and if an internal standard was used.

Physical: This tab displays general crystallographic data for the PDF entry as defined by the author, such as the space group and unit cell.

Crystal: This tab displays standardized crystallographic data for the PDF entry as calculated by ICDD, such as the space group and unit cell.

Structure: This tab displays structural data for the PDF entry, such as atomic coordinates and space group symmetry operators.

Classifications: This tab displays the various classifications for the PDF entry, such as the subfiles and mineral/zeolite classifications.

Cross-references: This tab displays the cross-references for the PDF entry, such as the alternate and related PDF entries.

References: This tab displays all of the bibliographic references used to publish the PDF entry.

Comments: This tab displays the ICDD editorial comments and user-generated comments for the PDF entry.

Ring patterns provides a two-dimensional (2D) simulation of the diffraction pattern for a given phase as it would appear on a flat 2D detector such as photographic film, phosphor image plates, or solid state arrays. The simulation assumes uniaxial positioning of the detector (transmission geometry with incident beam centered) and an infinite number of randomly oriented crystallites.

The Simulated Profile shows the one-dimensional representation of powder diffraction patterns using an interactive graph. This graph is displayed in multiple places throughout the program and the available settings can change due to the context of the current graph.

The Toolbox allows you to dynamically calculate individual peaks and peak lists based on a user-defined wavelength, unit cell, and set of miller indices.

SAED patterns are electron diffraction simulations based on algorithms originally developed by R.P. Goehner and J.R. Michael. These patterns are useful in confirming phase identity, crystallite orientation, and crystalline symmetry. The spots are determined kinematically using unit cell parameters and space group extinction conditions associated with the PDF entry.

EBSD patterns are electron diffraction simulations based on algorithms originally developed by R.P. Goehner and J.R. Michael. These patterns are useful in confirming phase identity, crystallite orientation, and crystalline symmetry. The Kikuchi line positions are determined kinematically using unit cell parameters and space group extinction conditions associated with the PDF entry.

The 3D Structure shows the three-dimensional representations of molecular structures. Click the play button to see the structure in 360 degrees.

The Bonds shows the interatomic bond lengths and angles of the asymmetric units for PDF entries with atomic coordinates. A histogram shows the number of neighboring atoms at interatomic lengthsup to 10 Å.

If the current PDF entry is part of a temperature series, this button will list all of the PDF entries that are part of that temperature series. You can use the temperature series listing to plot thermal expansion coefficients and create other useful graphs.