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PANOPTICON This circular square, surrounded by buildings and completely open to view, felt like being in a reversed panopticon, where one feels observed without being able to see their observer in return. We doubted that somebody would actually enjoy using this open space.

VISIBILITY: Safety or Social Pressure/Control? A's map highlights her feeling of being constantly observed. Open space is mostly exposed to the view of the windows and balconies of the buildings nearby, with almost no trees or physical elements to create some space for intimacy and retreat.

"It feels like a simulation" "People use the space as planned — Are the people free to use the space as they want to?" Human activities seem to be strictly prescribed in space. Everything seems too “clean”, nothing is sticking out. Even graffiti art has been constricted to authorized space on playground walls. How much does space limit freedom of expression or creative use?

Positive feelings A relaxing atmosphere, with people strolling and spending leisure time together.