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  • Kyoto Protocol
  • Montreal Protocol

"Environmental agreements´´

environmental agreements


montreal and kyoto ptotocols

what was the first ea?

what are environmental agreements?

Environmental agreements are created to ensure sustainable environmental management on a global scale. In these agreements government, governments commit to improving the environment by reducing the emission of pollutants and production of waste , exploiting resources in a rational way, protecting natural areas, providing environmental education,etc.

what are environmental agreements?

The first international environmental agreement related to wildlife conservation was the Convention for the Protection of Birds Related to Agriculture, signed by 11 European nations in 1902 to prohibit the capture, killing, or sale of certain species during breeding and migration seasons.

what was the first ea?

It established a target to reduce and eventually eliminate the production and consumption of substances that cause ozone layer depletion. They have a 10 years delay period in phasing out the production and consumption of ozone depleting chemicals.

Under this protocol, which emerged from UNFCCC, an agreement was made between nations to mandate country-by-country reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions


Montreal protocol (1987)


Under this treaty, any nuclear explosions in Antarctica and the disposal thereof radioactive waste material shall be prohibited. The main aim of this treaty is to keep Antarctica peaceful and free from nuclear and military testing.

Antarctic Treaty, 1959

It is a treaty for reducing and eliminating manufacture and use of gases that destroy Ozone in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, 1985 (Vienna Convention)

It provides a framework for the regulation of whaling industry and proper conservation of whale stocks.

International Whaling Convention, 1946

GATT has important implication for environmental protection and it promotes free trade around the glove. Article XX of GATT permits trade restrictions to meet environmental objectives so long as they are not arbitrary or discriminatory.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 1947

importants ea around world

maría cruces 4ºf