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By Lorena Betazzi Balducci

CBA 1 -


Is it cheaper to buy or make a pizza ?

16. Links
15. Review


14. Conclusion

13. Is a Medium pizza equal to two small pizzas ?

12. Calculating Leftovers

11. Step 6

10. Step 5

9. Step 4

7. Step 2

6. Step 1

5. Process

4. Process

3. Assumptions

2. Predictions

8. Step 3

1. Why did I Choose this Topic ?

  • I choose Dolmino's to make the comparison because it was cheaper than PizzaHut.
  • I also calculated the leftovers of the ingredients because I could more than pizza with ingredients
  • For the cost of the ingredients I reasearched in two shops : Dunnes Stores & Tesco, to make a comparison.
  • The prices in the table are the chepeast I could find in the two shops, to make a iqual comparison.
  • I choose Tesco to make the comparison because it was cheaper than buying the ingredients at Dunnes.
  • When making the pizz I also took in consideration what the cost of the electricity will be to bake it.
  • When choosing the size of the pizza in the restaurants I choose a medium size beacause the recipe is for a medium size pizza.
  • I'm taking in consideration that will be leftover when making a pizza.


Why did I choose this topic ?

I chose this topic beacause pizza is my favorite food, and I would like to know which is cheaper so I can save money .

My prediction is that buying a pizza will be cheaper


Find the price of the pizza Pepperoni


Compare the total price of the ingredients and the price of the pizza Pepperoni in the restaurant

Step 6

Step 5

Research pizza restaurants

Step 4

Find out the prices of the pizza Pepperoni Ingredients


Calculate the total price of the pizza ingredients

Step 3

Step 2

Research the ingredients for a Pepperoni pizza .

Step 1

*12 servings (makes one 10-12" pizza)
  • 125 g Pomodoro Tomato Sauce
  • 170 g Grated mozzarella Cheese
  • 80g /20 Slices of pepperoni
  • 2g of Grounded Black Pepper
Pizza Toppings
  • 250g of Bread Flour
  • 7g of Active Dry Yeast
  • 4g of Sugar
  • 6g of Table Salt
  • 30 ml of Olive oil
  • 175 ml of Warm Water
Pizza Dough

STEP 1 = Pizza Pepperoni Ingredients

For the cost of the ingredients I reasearched in two shops : Dunnes Stores & Tesco, to make a comparison. The prices in the table are the chepeast I could find in the two shops, to make a iqual comparison

STEP 2 =Prices for the Pepperoni Pizza Ingredients

TOTAL PRICE = € 29.08

Total Price at Tesco

TOTAL PRICE = € 30.41

STEP 3 =

Calculate the total prices of the Ingredients


Total Price at Dunnes Stores


Research Pizza Restaurants

STEP 4 =

  • Pepperoni Feast
  • SIZE = Medium 12"
  • TOTAL PRICE = €16.95


  • Pepperoni Passion
  • SIZE = Medium 11.5"
  • TOTAL PRICE = €16.00

STEP 5 =

Find the price of the pizza Pepperoni

Comparing the Prices

STEP 6 =

TOTAL PRICE = €16.00



TOTAL PRICE = € 29.08


With the leftovers I can make 3 more pizzas, but I would have to buy more Pepperoni & Grated mozzarella cheese.I would have an addicional cost for the electricity because I could bake both pizzas at the same time.Even after making two pizzas, I would still have left overs. So I could use the ingredients for other recipes, for example I could use the suger to make a cake.


My conclusion from this investigation was that two small pizza are not equal to a medium pizza. Two small pizzas is equal to 914.6 cm², which is 244.3 cm² bigger than a medium pizza.




What I could clonclude from investigation is that my prediction was right. Buying a pizza is cheaper than making one


  • I did enjoy doing this topic.
  • I was glad I choose this topic because it was easy to work with and easy to investigate, since I had a little idea of how much it would cost.
  • I think if I got the chance to repeat this investigation I would choose more shops and reataurants to compare the prices.
  • With this Investigation I learned the true prices of the ingredients and how much the electricity costs to make a pizza.
  • Overall I think I did well in My CBA.


  • https://sugarspunrun.com/the-best-pizza-dough-recipe/#recipe
  • https://www.simplehomecookedrecipes.com/italian-pepperoni-pizza-recipe/
  • https://www.howmany.wiki/vw/
  • https://www.dunnesstoresgrocery.com/sm/delivery/rsid/258/
  • https://www.tesco.ie/?sc_cmp=ppc*sl*me*bg*px_-_campaign_not_set*tesco&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwvusjIig9wIVA3xvBB07WwaaEAAYASAAEgJNF_D_BwE
  • https://www.dominos.ie/store/27310/dublin-rathmines/menu
  • https://www.pizzahutdelivery.ie/order_onlinev3_10/?store=40&ismobapp=N
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/418082/electricity-prices-for-households-in-ireland/#:~:text=Electricity%20prices%20for%20households%20in%20Ireland%202010%2D2020%2C%20semi%2Dannually&text=In%20the%20second%20half%20of,the%20first%20half%20of%202020.

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