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Cold War Stations

AP World History

Station 1


Station 2


Station 3

Proxy Wars

Station 4

Land & Resource Distribution Movements

Station 5

Effects: Culture

Station 6

Effects: Continued...

Station 7

End of the Cold War

Objective: Explain how the following events and ideas led to the cold war. Task: With Chatterpix, (or another avatar website/app) explain how the events below led to the Cold War. Be creative. You can use a person, country, event, etc as your image to "talk" about these events in Chatterpix. If you have any questions about Chatterpix, reach out to Mrs. Bruce in the library. Yalta and Potsdam Conferences Nuclear Arms Race MAD Truman Doctrine Capitalism vs Communism Turn your video into Canvas when you're finished. How to use Chatterpix ChatterPix - iPad App | Tutorial | Example

  • iPad
  • You will need to download the video to your camera roll (photos) and upload it to your Google Drive. Share your video and submit the link from Drive.
  • Note: Recording time is 30 seconds. You may need to create a video per event and submit all links.

Using one of the video editing tools below, explain the meaning and importance of the following terms: NATO Warsaw Pact Non-Aligned Movement Turn your video into Canvas when you're finished.

Choose THREE events from the list below and using the interactive image feature in Genially, explain why they are reflective of the Cold War.

  • Korean War
  • Vietnam War
  • Angolan Civil War
  • Sandinistas-Contras Conflict in Nicaragua
  • Afghanistan
Turn your video into Canvas when you're finished. Click here to see the website below in your browser.

Choose TWO of the examples below and explain their causes and effects with one of the Venn-Diagrams listed or on your own paper.

  • Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence
  • Mengistu Haile Mariam in Ethiopia
  • Land Reform in Kerala and other states within India
  • White Revolution in Iran
  • Landless Workers Movement in Brazil
Make sure to write a thesis statement explaining the causes and effects. Venn-Diagram Option 1 Venn-Diagram Option 2 Turn your video into Canvas when you're finished.

Create a Public Service Announcement to explain effects of the Cold War and their significance. List of effects to include:

  • Marshall Plan
  • Build-up of nuclear arms
    • Military Industrial Complex
    • SALT I and II
    • Anti-nuclear Movement
  • Space Race
    • NASA
    • Sputnik
  • Tiananmen Square
Turn your video into Canvas when you're finished. Options for your PSA:

You are a journalist and you have just been awarded the front page of the newspaper. Your task is to explain how the following events and ideas contributed to the end of the Cold War. Global Uprisings of 1968 Poland Czechoslovakia Fall of the Soviet Union Glasnost Perestroika Turn your video into Canvas when you're finished. Newspaper template options

Create a digital OR paper poster to explain the effects of the Cold War and their significance. Culture: music, books, movies

  1. Espionage
    1. James Bond
    2. 1984, George Orwell
  2. Nuclear war
    1. Dr. Strangelove
    2. Duck and Cover Drills
  3. Jazz
  4. Folk music
    1. Bob Dylan
      1. “Masters of War”
  5. Ballet
Turn your video into Canvas when you're finished. Options for your digital poster: