Animal Action FMPTJ
Neve Fallon
Created on March 16, 2022
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Neve Fallon - 20144023
Final Major Project
Assessment Criteria
- 1.1 Use critical and contextual perspectives to initiate a creative media production project proposal.
- 1.2 Use analysis and evaluation to clarify and develop ideas for a creative media production project proposal.
- 2.1 Use research to support the development of a creative media production project.
- 2.2 Use analytical and evaluative skills to develop creative solutions to realise a media production project.
- 3.1 Solve practical and technical problems within a creative media production project.
- 3.2 Solve theoretical problems within a creative media production project.
- 4.1 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and produce a creative media production project within an agreed time frame.
- 5.1 Demonstrate the exploration, adaptation and application of practical methods and skills in the realisation of a creative media production project.
- 6.1 Maintain evaluative and reflective records of the development and production of a creative media project.
- 6.2 Use evaluative and reflective skills to make decisions for a creative media production project.
- 7.1 Explore strategies to present a creative media production project.
- 7.2 Present a creative media production project to a specified audience.
- Mood boards of Initial ideas
- 800 words Past Project Reflections
- Project proposal
- Pitch Presentation and 5 min video interview
- 20 + Artists
- Harvard Reference Bibliography
- Contact with at least one artist
- Visit an exhibition
- Primary and Secondary Research
- 4+ reflected experiments
- Collaboration with another student
- Evidence of weekly Planning/ Rating work
- Evidence of problems – Practical/Theory
Project Requirements
- 3 planned shoots
- Contact sheets
- Equipment and techniques used
- 4 to 6 final images
- Weekly journal
- 3 reflection points
- 1000 word reflection
- Reflection of a range of presentation techniques
- Experimentation with 2 presentation methods
- Final Presentation exhibition and blurb.
Initual Project Idea
The Final Major Project (FMP) is one of our final college projects, and our mission is to construct and execute an FMP based on a body of strong critical and contextual research. The project concept must be based on a recognised style of photography, so I selected to do something that I would like to pursue as a career in the future: animal/wildlife photography. Throughout the research, I intend to investigate local wildlife populations, how they have evolved, and what we can do to help them, as well as what local zoos are doing for endangered animals outside of the country. I aim to research these questions and hopefully speak to either in person or on a team meeting the people who are a part of these groups, taking action. I'd want to work with 20 or more artists/photographers to investigate and experiment with. My goal for the project is to have at least 6 to 8 final photos, which I will display in a unique presentation format that I will investigate and experiment with later in the project. "We are ruining an already wonderful earth," I'd like to convey.
Alternative Project Idea
If my first idea is not successful I have an alternative idea which will be something along the lines of a project I have done in the past but with a different theme.The last project was based on a word which was “Merging” and I aimed to merge two or more images to create one final image. For my alternative idea, I will base the project on a different word like “Ghost” or a colour like “Blue” or “Orange”.
Weeks 7 - 12
Weeks 4 - 6
Weeks1 - 3
Weeks 7 to 12 will Include a catch-up week, Experimental Editing and Presentation Techniques, Problem Solving and the Final Image Presentation with a Final Evaluation.
There will be a 2-week easter break which is where I will be doing most experiments and practical work.
Weeks 4 to 6 will include our Pitch Presentations and carrying out any Research that needs to be done (Artists, Primary and Secondary).
Weeks 1 to 3 will include Project Briefing, Project Planning, Pinhole Photography and Cyanotype Printing.
My major research objective is to produce and distribute a questionnaire to gather input on my project proposal, as well as interview some of the people active in organisations that assist bring back the local animals. For the interviews, I will need to contact these individuals and obtain permission to speak with them and maybe record our chat.
My goal for the secondary research is to write down topics that I believe will be pertinent to my thesis and then examine them in-depth to obtain a better grasp of certain methodologies. I'll also be going to the library to use some of the literature they have. I'll need to snap images of the pages and write an evaluation of what I've read.
For this project we have been set a goal of 20 artists that we have to research into that is somewhat related to our chosen project theme. I have only found 16 so far but I will find some more that I can either research into or get in contact with.
Artist Research
Some of the artist i have found are:
- Damon Lam
- Lucas Starman
- Sam Rowley
- Hayley Goodhead (Painter)
The Locations I think that will be good for me to explore and take wildlife photos are:
- Maldon
- Mayland - Sea
- Epping Forest
- Danbury
Other Locations I could go to are Colchester Zoo or even London Zoo. Even though I won't get wildlife photos I can go to these zoos to practise getting used to taking photos of animals in an environment.
Project Evaluation
Throughout the project, I will be typing up a weekly journal that will keep track of what went well in the week and what I can improve on. By typing a journal it will help me keep track of any work or skills I have done during the week of work. The final evaluation will be typed up once all the Final Major Project – The Journey is completed. In this, I will be describing everything that is evidenced in my Wix portfolio. The evaluation will need to be 1000 words.