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Chemestry teacher was arrested




Everything you need to know

NOV, 22

A new planet was found in the Aquarius constelletion by a new NASA member.

New planet was found

After selling meth to students, chemestry teacher was arrested.

They were asked to stay in their respective rooms. The place was search by police, and some nursesdecided to help. After some minutes, thwe baby was found in a car nearby. Sevral witnesses were interviewed by police and a sketch was drawn. A suspect was captured a few hours after the incident


A baby was stolen from the Seattle Grace hspital yesterday evening. A lockdown was required for personel, patients, and visitors.

Found by nurse in a car nearby.


Passive: Napa Valley is known for its excellent wines.Active: [Many people] know Napa Valley for its excellent wines.

When is it used?

To emphasize the action/object

Passive: My laptop was stolen.Active: Somebody stole my laptop.

We do not know go did the action

We could say that the subject in passive voice is the receiver of the action

Auxiliary verb to be + Verb (Past Participle)

How to write in passive voice?

Passive voice is not a tense. Each tense has its own passive voice.

modal + be + Past Participle

"have" + been + Past Part.

"be" + being + Past Participle

"be" + Past Participle

I can make a cake.A cake can be made. He must make a cake. A cake must be made.

They have made a cake.A cake has been made. You had made a cake. A cake had been made.

She was making a cake. A cake was being made. I am making a cake. A cake is being made.

I will make a cake.A cake will be made. We made a cake. A cake was made.


Perfect tense

Continuous tense

Simple tense

"be" + S + Past Participle?"be" + S + being + Past Participle? "have" + S + been + Past Participle? modal + S + "be" + Past Participle?

S + "be" + NOT + Past ParticipleS + "be" + NOT + being + Past Participle S + "have" + NOT + been + Past Participle S + modal + NOT + "be" + Past Participle

We use the first auxiliary in the verb.


We use the first auxiliary in the verb.


Agent represents the person or a thing that performs the action and is the subject of an active sentence. The majority of the passive sentences do not have any agent.


When we do not know, who was the ›doer‹ of the action, we use someone or somebody in the active sentence. We leave out these words in the passive sentence. Someone stole my bike. M bike was stolen

We are normally not interested in the ›doer‹ of an action in a passive sentence. When we want to mention the ›doer‹, we use the preposition by. The whole phrase is called by-agent in English. Mr. Brown built a house. A house was built by Mr. Brown.

Direct object

Direct object

Indirect object

Passive with 2 objects

Indirect object

To turn these sentences into passive voice we can use either of the object as the subject in the passive voice sentence. It depends on what you want to emphasize.

Mike sent a bouquet of lowers to his girlfrind. Mike sent her a bouquet of flowers.

Direct object

Direct object

Indirect object

Passive with 2 objects

Indirect object

Mike sent her a bouquet of flowers. She was sent flowers by her boyfriend. A bouquet of flowers were sent to her.