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Rules and Informatinon

罗拉老师英语教育Learning With Laura

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•如果提前24小时(或更长时间)通知取消课,则全额退款。•如果提前 24小时通知取消课,则不退款。但是可以选择在10天内重新安排课程。•如果学生不上课,则不退款(除非发生紧急情况)。

Cancelling Class

• If the lesson is cancelled with 24 hours (or more) notice, then a full refund is given.• If the lesson is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, no refund is given. However there is an option to reschedule the class within 10 days.• If the student doesn’t attend the class no refund is given(unless there has been an emergency).