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Fashion of the Future

Phone-charging jackets

Self-lacing shoes

Spray clothes

How will Fashion look like in the Future?

Nicole Rodriguez and Tatiana Santos


Since the jacket comes with a wireless charging pads inside, this will wirelessly charge your phone while you walk With this new invention you won't ever have to worry about your phone's battery or wait deseperately for it to charge

Switching clothes, would be very dynamic; since it consist of clothes that begin with one form and might change to another. For example a short that could change to be a pants or a dress that changes to be a jumpsuit.

Well known from Back to the Future II, these shoes will instanty adjust to your foot once you wear them. With the invention of these shoes, human imagination can make technology advance even further

Spray clothes, This invention consists of liquid fibers or thread that makes a chemical reaction with air and creates real clothes. In future people might depend on this kind of spray to change their outfit everywhere and really quickly.