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So/Neither + auxiliaries

  • Neither parent came to meet the teacher. (The mother didn’t come, and the father didn’t come.)
  • Neither dress fitted her. (There were two dresses and not one of them fitted her.)
  • Neither of us went to the concert.
  • Neither of the birthday cards was suitable.

Neither as a determiner

  • Neither Brian nor his wife mentioned anything about moving house. (Brian didn’t mention that they were moving house and his wife didn’t mention that they were moving house.)
  • Neither Italy nor France got to the quarter finals last year.

Neither … nor

“Neither of my classmates is strong enough to win this competition”. / Ninguno de mis compañeros de clase es tan fuerte como para ganar esta competición.


“Neither journalist could finish their articles, as there wasn’t enough time”. / Ningún periodista pudo terminar sus artículos porque no hubo tiempo suficiente.

Determined article

“I don’t like spinach.” “Neither do I.” / No me gustan las espinacas. A mi tampoco.


"Neither" in the different ways


Use of so and neither in grammatical tenses

"So do I" is an expression that when we speak in English, serves to show us in agreement with what someone is commenting on. If you wanted to agree with an opinion like the following, indicating that you feel the same, you should say:

  • So do I
For example:A. I love classical musicB. So do I

So do I

Identical: Idéntico

Both: Tomaron

From: De Like: Como

Similar : Parecer o semejanza

As: que o como



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