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Valdivia culture
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Valdivia culture

Valdivia was a pre-Columbian archaeological culture that developed during the Early Formative Period, specifically from 4400 to 1450 BC. This culture occupied the lowlands of the west coast of Ecuador. The territory that currently corresponds to the provinces of Guayas, Isla Puná, Los Ríos, Manabí and El Oro.

Valvivia Culture

Food of the Valdivia Culture

The main crops were corn, beans, and squash. It is possible that they also planted chili peppers and peanuts, as well as cotton. They collected wild fruits such as papayas, pineapples, custard apples, and avocados, hunted deer, fished, and collected shellfish.


Religion of the Valdivia Culture

It is not known with certainty which gods they worshiped, but it is known that women were very important in the political and religious organization of the Valdivia culture, this in turn explains why most of their ceramic art was based on feminine forms and that were so closely related to fertility.


Language of the Valdivia Culture

Cultura prehispánica del Periodo Formativo, con un lenguaje preincáico, de la cual poco se ha documentado sobre el idioma.


Funeral customs:Among other funerary customs, members of this culture made burials in the same mounds on which they built their homes.Coke:So far no cocas remains have been found at any site. However, some figurines have appeared that have a swollen cheek, as if they were chewing coca.

Customs of the Valdivia Culture


The Valdivia culture stands out for being one of the possible origins of ceramic production in South America (Barroso 2014) but works in other types of materials also stand out. Mention should be made of the punches made from the spines of fish fins, the carved shells, especially those of the Spondylus, Mactrella clisia and Dosinia dunkeri species, and the work in lithic material.



The Valdivia culture presents a system of burials where the special interest they placed in these is demonstrated, with its own characteristics and a demonstration of respect for the dead.

Rituals of the Valdivia Culture


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