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Headrest: Often used as cover for the smokehood, this means the smokehood is 'hidden' inside the headreast. Usually each headrest carries 1 smokehood, one for every CA in case of emergency.Mandatory checks:- Check if the smokehood is present - Check if stowed correctly with securing latch of headrest stowage cover correctly engaged

Interphone/PA systemIs used for communication with pax as announcement system and as a interphone for internal calls only. This means you can call crew-crew, crew-flightdeck, flightdeck-crew and nothing else. Mandatory checks:- FWD CA calls AFT CA (or other way round) and makes sure interphone works - CA checks PA system by making an announcement, both FWD and AFT

Harness:Consists of 2 parts; the shoulder harness and the bottom harness. It's also called a four-point harness.Mandatory checks:- Check if harness fully extends- Check if inertia reel locks- Adjust harness to your fit - Check if it fastens and releases.

Crew stowage:Mainly used for stowage of crew life vest, sometimes also for other safety equipment. This depends on the airline/type of aircraft. Mandatory checks:- Check if crew life vest is present and operable- If applicable: carry out the applicable checks on the other safety equipment

Seat: The part where you sit on.Mandatory checks:- Check if seat fully retracts and folds

TORCH: A torch is either stowed at the side of the crew seat OR in the crew stowage below the seat.Mandatory checks:- Check if torch is working


ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter):All aircrafts are fitted with an ELT. ELTs are mounted AFT in the airplane, and designed to be triggered upon impact or may be manually activated using the remote switch and control panel indicator in the cockpit. Activation of the ELT triggers an audio alert, and 406-MHz ELTs transmit GPSposition for search and rescue. Mandatory checks: - Correct number on board - Stowed correctly with the toggle switch in the ARMED position


Demo kit: To be used for flight safety demonstration. Includes life jacket, seatbelt, SOB card and oxygen mask.Mandatory checks: - Correct number on board - Includes all 4 items - Belt and strap in original position


Mandatory checks:- Check if toilet flushes - Check of sink is not blocked and water from tap is running - Check if smoke detector is not blocked with tape - Check if area is clean - Check if halon extinguisher is present and operable - Check if baby changing table fully retracts and folds.

FAK (First Aid Kit)

FAK: Cabin crew is authorised to use all items in the FAK. Mostly used for minor incidents on board.Mandatory checks:- Check if present - Correct number on board - Check if sealed with green seal. If seal has other color you must take action.

Extra information: FAK's are always sealed! Either with a green/white seal, orange/yellow seal or a red seal. If the seal is orange/yellow/red you must tell your purser immediately.Green or white: Everything is okay and nothing missing.Orange or yellow: There are things missing but you are still allowed to fly because you haven't received the minimum amount yet. Red: One or more things hav reached an insuffient amount and the FAK needs to be restocked before you can take-off.


Halon fire extinguisher/BCF (bromochlorodifluoromethane) fire extinguisher:Can be used for every fire, also electrical fires. Mandatory checks:- Check if pressure arrow is in the green zone - Correct number on board - Stowed correctly with safety pin in position


PBE/smokehood: To be used in the event of a smoke filled environment in-flight, during evacuation and during fire fighting. It allows the wearer to see, breathe and communicate in a contaminated environment. PBE provides oxygen for several minutes.Mandatory checks:- Correct number on board - Stowed correctly with securing latch of headrest stowage cover correctly engaged


Extension/infant seatbelt:To be used for securing infants on laps and to be used for obese pax as an extention for their regular seatbelt.Mandatory checks:- Correct number on board


Spare life jackets:Only to be used by pax if needed, not to be used by crew. Crew life jackets are orange, not yellow. This is done to make sure that you are recognizable as crew in case of an emergency. Always need to have some spare life jackets on board in case you come across a empty life jacket pouch during your searches on board. Mandatory checks:- Correct number on board


SOB cards:Always need to carry spares in case you come across a few missing ones during one of your searches.Mandatory check: - Correct number on board