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Mosque vs Church

What is a Mosque?

The Mosque is the built where the Muslins go to pray. Then you can use the Mosque to make mettings and to rest.The Mosque come form the Islam. Their god is called Allah and they have prophets, their names are:Moses, Abraham, Mohammad, and Jesus. Then, we know that the holy book is the Quram and is located in the Mosque.

According to the parts of the Mosque are the following ones:

  • The Alminar: The alminar is a tower, his function is expand the notices and communicates.
  • Patio or Sahn: Patio is the center where the womans pray and is rodeated by galerys. Then you can use the Patio is you don't have house.
  • Source of acquittals: The source of acquittals is used to make absolutions before pray.
  • Quibla: This is the war where they saved the mihrab.
  • Mihrab: is the direction, toward they had to pray.
  • Prayer's room: This room is the metting center, where all people went to pray.

What is a church?

The church is the union of christians, churchs were created in 380 by Jesu-Crist, in Judea.Actually, we use the church to pray, and confesions, to celebrates events like Easter, Christmas...and on Sunday some people go to the church. They used to read the holy book called The Bible.An important point about the structure of a church is the large cupola in the altar in order to be near to the God, what I mean is that the taller is the church the nearer are Christians to God.

  • Side aisles: This a limited space by walls and columns, it's function is carry to rooms.
  • Centre aisle: This is the centre of the church and is connected with other rooms.
  • Cruise: This is a tower in the church to deccorate and to pass light.
  • Ambulatory: Is like a secret hall to make the transit shorter for the faithfuls.
  • Apse: It has semicircular form and is called "The Altar".
  • Transept: The transept is the hall that traverses the church with a latin cross.
  • Bell tower: This is to put the clocks and anunciate the hour everytime.

The differences

Between the mosques and the churchs exist some diferences and now I'm going to talk about it.Firstly, we can see that the two builds have different structure, the churchs have a cross form while the mosques have the form of a simple rectangle. Then we can see that their structures were created in differents cities, the first churches were created in Judea and the first mosques were created in Meca. This suppused the differences in the religion and the gods.According to the buildings, they have in common that Christians and Muslims go to the build to pray. What's more the two buildings are from monoteistic religions, this means that they only believe in one god.Finally, another thing that there buildings have in common is the tower, the two buildings have a tower to communicate notices, anunciate the hour and mass and for praying.


www.nationalgeographic.com.es www.pluralismoyconvivencia.eswww.sooluciona.com

Juan José Hernández Pérez 2ºD