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How the genetic modification of Cavendish Bananas using CRISPR has saved the global banana population for a deadly fungi - TR4

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Cavendish Bannanas

Cavendish Bananas (the most common commerical bananas) are under attack

the problem



+ The explanation

- The fungi Fusarium wilt tropical race 4 (TR4) poses a threat to the continued production of bananas as we know it. - The fact that TR4 cannot be killed with fungicides as well as that it can linger in soils for up to 30 days means that it is an immense danger to the Cavendish banana population (99% of the total banana global usage). - Moreover, it is a sterile variety propagated by cloning thus the only way to save it may be with cloning. - Having made its way to America, it is claimed that Cavendish bananas could go virtually extinct within the next several decades without a solution.

Genetic modification of the Cavendish banana genome may be the only solution

The Solution


+ The explanation

- Scientists have altered the genome of Cavendish bananas by inserting a gene from the wild banana - Musa acuminate malaccensis - which carries resistance to TR4. - In addition to the insertion of foreign genes, scientists are using CRISPR to turn on a dormant gene with the same capacity to resist TR4 than the one in Musa acuminate malaccensis.

The use of CRISPR and genetic modification is, indeed, hugely beneficial to the continued prodution of banana - but at what cost?

PRO's and con's


+ The explanation

Advantages: 1. Saves 99% of global banana production 2. Protects local agricultural industry (ie jobs/income). 3. Limits the spread and possible mutation of a disease that could further harm plant life and biodiversity. Disadvantages: 1. Very expensive 2. Ethical issues with artificial modification of nature 3. Skepticism around the consequences of genetic modification mean that Cavendish banana consumption is forecasted to continue falling in return for its other, wilder counterparts ie Musa acuminate malaccensis

How has the genetic modification of Cavendish bananas affected our society



+ The explanation

- By saving the banana as we know it, global consumption shouldn't feel the effects of TR4 and the supply chain will be OK - Jobs in the supply chain won't be lost and the primary industry of a country won't be harmed - The nutritious contents of bananas such as Vitamin C and its fibrous nature will be preserved, fuelling the global youth for more generations to come

  • Elemento genial A
  • Elemento genial B
  • Elemento genial C
  • Elemento genial D
  • Elemento genial E