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6. Task 2

5. Task 1

4. About the project

3. UAE future

8. Reflection

2. UAE present

7. Task 3

1. UAE past


UAE 50th national day theme


In this project i will be using python. Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn't specialized for any specific problems. In this project i will be using the for loop method , else statement , flowchart , and the input method. I will have 3 tasks to do and i will also explain them. Lastly i will write a reflection for the overall project.

Task 1

Using Python loops, design a countdown program from 50 to 1.write your name as a comment on the program. You have to take screen capture for the program and the output


Task 2

Using Python ask the user to enter a number between 1 to 50 if the number = 50, as an output write about year of 50 in UAE otherwise printanother message. write your name as a comment on the program. you have to take screen capture for the program AND the output


Task 3

Design a flowchart to check if the user chose UAE planet print a welcome message from you otherwise print you are in the wrong place try again.





Making this project was a lot of fun. It was simple and straightforward. I learnt a lot about the Python programming language and how to solve simple problems like tasks 1, 2, and 3 during this term and project. I enjoyed doing all of the activities, but my favorite was task two. Although it was difficult, it was still fun trying figure out where I went wrong until I got it right. I would most likely use different ways to design the presentation next time. I can put everything I've learned to good use by teaching my friends and family about Python and how simple and enjoyable it is.