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A.3.1.: ANALIZIRATI DUŽI IZVORNI TEKST PRI SLUŠANJU I ČITANJU - primijeniti strategije slušanja gledajući TedEd govor How did Dracula become the world's most famous vampire? - primijeniti strategije čitanja čitajući članak o Juri Grandi A.3.3.: SUDJELOVATI U DUŽEM NEPLANIRAM RAZGOVORU - odgovarati na pitanja o karakteristikama vampira - navoditi književna i filmska djela u kojima se pojavljuju vampiri - usporediti i analizirati popularnost narodnih legendi i njihovu popularizaciju u kulturi B.3.1.: INTEGRIRA RAZLIČITE KULTURNE ELEMENTE I STVARA CJELOVITU SLIKU VLASTITE I DRUGIH KULTURA - objašnjavati važnost narodne predaje za nacionalni identitet i promicanje istih - poopćavati ideje o vlastitoj kulturi i drugim kulturama na temu praznovjerja B.3.2.: IZRAŽAVA SE PRIMJERENO KONTEKSTU I SVRSI KOMUNIKACIJE - koristiti jezične obrasce za generaliziranje i izražavanje mišljenja


  • How can you recognize a vampire?
  • Which animal do we associate with vampires and why?
  • How can you protect yourself against vampires?


who are vampires?

  1. The notion of vampires has its origins in Slavic tradition.
  2. People put crucifixes in coffins to prevent deceased people form rising.
  3. In the 18th century scientific evidence against the vampires was presented by the Austrian court.
  4. Bram Stoker, who wrote Dracula, was from England.
  5. Stoker's mother told him about her horrific experience during a cholera outbreak
  6. Dracula, the character, is based on the historical figure Vlad III Dracula.
  7. Silent film Nosferatu violated Stoker's copyrights.
  8. Bela Lugosi adapted the book into a movie.

Watch the video and decide whether the statements are true or false.



  • Why did people start believing in vampires?
  • Can the phonemenon behind the superstition
be explained scientifically?
  • Do people still believe in vampires? Why?
  • Do you know if there is a Croatian folk tale
about vampires?


1) Where and when did Jure Grando live? 2) What is a 'štrigon'?3) Why did people believe he became a vampire?4) How long was he harassing the villagers? 5) How did they stop him?

This is a paragraph of text waiting to be awesome content

"I am the first!"


Read the text about jure grando






Superstitious beliefs

Find examples of superstitious beliefs in Croatia and the UK. In groups, make a presentation on similarities and differences between these two countries. Be creative and do not forget to name your sources!


Barbara Hanjilec

Thank you