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How do we make the external preparation more engaging and less intimidating for dance students while they are learning online?




1. Key terms & concepts

Dance within the NZ school curriculum.

Learning online.


External exams.

Key terms and concepts.

Less intimidating.

Creating resources for external preparation.

2. key issues and challenges



Challenge: Students who don't have the confidence to engage in external preparation.

Conflicting view: Students taking dance as it is perceived for “easy credits”.

Key issue: Dance is seen as a "physical" subject.

Challenge: Students who find it hard to be motivated to study at home.

Key issue: Fixed versus growth mindset of students.

Conflicting view: Does more "time" to study equal more "learning"?

Conflicting views: Students view versus teachers views.

3. Conclusions & suggested approaches



30 second share.

Alternative options for formative assessments.

Provide feedback & feedforward for the students.

Red Rooster Resource.

Break up the week.

Popsicle sticks.

Ask students for feedback.

4. References.



And always remember….

Yates, A., Starkey, L., Egerton, B., & Flueggen, F. (2021). High school students’ experience of online learning during Covid-19: the influence of technology and pedagogy. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 30(1), 59-73.

Thank you for listening.

Mathis, M. (2021). 25 Formative Assessment Options Your Students Will Actually Enjoy. We are teachers. https://www.weareteachers.com/25-formative-assessment-options/?utm_content=1633383640&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

Spratt, M. (2005). Washback and the classroom: The implications for teaching and learning of studies of washback from exams. Language teaching research, 9(1), 5-29.

Brown, G. T. L. (2002). Student beliefs about learning: New Zealand students in year 11. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 6(1), 110-114.

Sanders, P. (2011). Schools out–Gone to the beach: How some year 11 New Zealand high school students perceive study leave. Assessment and Learner Outcomes, 204.

Finding your teaching style is like putting puzzle pieces together.
