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Today is October 11th, 2021
Writing and Speaking Project Guidelines
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Today is October 11th, 2021

Writing and Speaking Project Guidelines

Writing Project Guidelines #2 25% due October 18th, 2021

Topic: Describes three wishes for Christmas: 1. family 2. personal 3. material

1. Work in power point. Use Arial letters. Also, I recommend you nice slides on: https://slidesgo.com/


Use the transitions words we already discuss. At the beginnig, meanwhile, lastly, in conclusion, first, second, then, finally.

First slide: cover page Second slide: Description of your 3 wishes. Third slide: images


cover page School: Student's name: Teacher's name: Subject: Grade: Date:

first slide

Information Title Description of your three wishes. 1. include your family 2. something personal. 3. something material.

second slide


third slide

Speaking Project Guidelines #2 25% due October 18th, 2021

Instruction #1select one of the following places: Alaska, France, Russia, Jerusalem, New York, Scotland, Italy and Tegucigalpa. Instruction #2 Talk about how in that place celebrate Christmas Eve. their food, decorations, traditions etc.

Create a video with 1 or 2 minutes.


Show any material you want, such as backgrounds, charts, photos, people, etc.Use your creativity

Stand up, introduce yourself.

No power point presentations.


You can do it!

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