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The Greeks developed not only philosophical thinking and the natural sciences; they also were prominente in architecture, sculpture, painting, and mosaics.What information about Greeks does ART give us?

today there are many countries, including cHile, that are governed by a política system called democracy. This form of government (a government of the people or the citizens) originated in Ancient greece, specifically in the polis of athens. This system has lasted throughhout time.


Democracy in Ancient Greece was very direct. What this means is that all the citizens voted on all the laws. Rather than vote for representatives, like we do, each citizen was expected to vote for every law.They did have officials to run the government, however. Most of these officials were chosen by a lottery. So every citizen had a chance, regardless of their popularity or wealth, to become an official


In the polis of Athens, the people recognize as citizens participate in polítical decisions. They did this through an assembly, moderated by an orator. Today, this method of decision-making is used in communities that are smaller than a country.

chilean democracy

In the polis of Athens, the people recognize as citizens participate in polítical decisions. They did this through an assembly, moderated by an orator. Today, this method of decision-making is used in communities that are smaller than a country.