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“Pearl of the Adriatic.”

History of Dubrovnik







Saint Blaise

Orlando's Column

State Symbols


Literatura Brdal, Ž., Madunić Kaniški, M., Rajković T., Klio 6, udžbenik povijesti u šestom razredu osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2020. Miović Perić, V., Dragomans of te Dubrovnik Republic: their training an career, Dubrovnik Annals, No. 5, 2001, str. 81-94. Izvori s interneta Preuzeto- 17.09.2021. The Republic (Republika) History of Dubrovnik Official Trailer HD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv47M53XwMo Republika- uvodna špica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yawmkyd29t4 Datoteka:Dolazak Hrvata Celestin Medović.JPG - WikipedijaMorate dodati i oznaku javnog vlasništva za Sjedinjene Američke Države da bi se naznačilo zašto je ovo djelo u javnom vlasništvu u Sjedinjenim...Wikipedia Dubrovnik: The medieval city designed around quarantine https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20200421-dubrovnik-the-medieval-city-designed-around-quarantine Dubrovnik: The medieval city designed around quarantineLike Venice, Dubrovnik (formerly Ragusa) has always been a city popular with travellers from around the world; today, both are Unesco World Heritage...Bbc VELIKA TREŠNJA https://dubrovacki.slobodnadalmacija.hr/dubrovnik/vijesti/kultura/velika-tresnja-prije-353-godine-strahoviti-udarac-srusio-je-grad-uz-sablasnu-lomljavu-i-tresak-1014295#&gid=1&pid=3 National flag of the Ragusan Republic https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/58/St._Blaise_-_National_Flag_of_the_Ragusan_Republic.png Dubrovnik grb https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Dubrovnik_grb_varijanta.png Old Pharmacy at Franciscan Monastary - Dubrovnik https://www.dubrovnik-travel.net/old-pharmacy-at-franciscan-monastery/ Tvrđava Lovrijenac https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Tvr%C4%91ava_Lovrjenac_And_Pile_Harbour_-_Dubrovnik.jpg/1200px-Tvr%C4%91ava_Lovrjenac_And_Pile_Harbour_-_Dubrovnik.jpg Dubrovnik Digest- Orlando's Column http://dubrovnikdigest.com/en/sights/orlandos-column St Blaise patron saint of Dubrovnik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZjWqoUa5Ko Britannica https://www.britannica.com/place/Dubrovnik Dubrovnik https://www.pinterest.com/pin/226798531218000947/?d=t&mt=login Orlandov stup http://www.zoran-jelaca.com/hr/slideshow/4/712 Poklisar https://www.enciklopedija.hr/natuknica.aspx?id=49036 poklisarpoklisar (biz. grč. ἀποϰρισιάριος: poslanik, prema ἀποϰρίνομαι: dati obavijest), starinski naziv za diplomatskog izaslanika. Poklisari harača bili su...Enciklopedija Dragoman of the Portehttps://www.wikiwand.com/en/Dragoman_of_the_Porte WikiwandDear Wikiwand AI, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions: Can you list the top facts and stats about Dragoman of the...Wikiwand

Orlando's Column took over the function of the shameful exposure and public punishment of offenders. Many have ended their lives in front of the public, which warned people what would happen if they were disobedient. It also served as a place to put notices and highlight important news. Dubrovnik people also had a pratical use for Orlando's Column- the knights right hand is prescribed as a measure of length and is named "lakat" or elbow in English (51.2 cm).

From the 9th to the 12th century Dubrovnik defended itself against foreign powers, and in the period 1205 to 1358 it acknowledged Venetian supremacy, though it retained much of its independence.

Republic of Dubrovnik was the first to introduce quarantine to prevent the spread of the pandemic requiring all incoming ships and trade caravans to submit to 30 days of isolation and in the 17th century it increased to 40 days.

The city was founded in the first half of the 7th century on the little island called Laus by Roman refugees fleeing the Slav and Avar attack of Epidaurus (Cavtat). The name of the city was Ragusium. A colony of Slavs soon joined the Romans there and from an early date the city formed a link between two great civilizations.

In 1667 catastrophic earthquake dealt the hardest blow to Dubrovnik in its history. It destroyed parts of the city, including the cathedral and many monasteries and palaces. There were many casualites. Dubrovnik rose from the ashes and rebuilt itselft.

At the beginning of the 19th century Ragusa held a network of proper consular offices all over the world. In 1806 Ragusa surrendered to the French Empire. Pushed into a corner and in a desperate move to bring an end to the siege from Montenegrin army and the Russian fleets there was nothing else that could be done. In not so many words, the French rescued Ragusa. Long, prosperous days of the autonomous Republic were over. By 1808, it became offical. Napoleon's Marshal Marmont abolished the Dubrovnik Republic and it became part of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy.

The Old Pharmacy in Franciscan Monastery in Dubrovnik is one among the oldest pharmacies in Europe. It was founded in 1317 as in in- house pharmacy for Franciscan friars which was later introduced to the public servicing. Pharmacy is still in function nowdays.

Origin of the name: Slavic- derived from dubrava in Croatian, meaning “oak forest” (Dubrovnik) Latin/ Italian- derived from stjenovit in Croatian, meaning “rocky” (Ragusa)

The flag of the Republic of Dubrovnik

Crest of the Republic of Dubrovnik

Today Lovrijenac is particularly famous for the inscription carved into the gate lintel: " Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro " which means " Liberty is not sold for all the gold in the world "

In the 15th century the Republic of Dubrovnik had well-established relations with the Ottoman Empire. An international agreement - capitulations (Turk. ahdname), guaranteed their state autonomy, security and prosperity. This was conditioned by an annual tribute (Turk. haraç Cro. harač) of 12,500 golden ducats, Dubrovnik’s unique obligation to the Ottoman Empire, which was brought by ambassadors (Cro. poklisari). They were elected patricians who performed the most important diplomatic tasks at the Porte and at the sultan's court. Alongside with Dubrovnik consuls and diplomats an important role in relations between Dubrovnik and Ottomans played and dragomans, interpreters for the Turkish language. Dubrovnik dragomans were professionals, often self-educated merchants who learned Turkish during long business stays in the Empire. They operated in Istanbul, in neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in the Turkish chancellery, situated in the Rector’s palace in the City of Dubrovnik.