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34 months SHui Project Monitoring

Two deliverebles have been uploaded to European Community.







Two Project Board meeting have been held in this period.

Spanish Focus Group was held on June

Several dissemination activities have been held physically and virtually.

Face-to-face meeting is planned for September in Prague.

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Deliverables finalized during this period are: D2.13 Interim WP2 progress report 28/02/2021 by CVUT and CRSRI partners. D3.5 Interim WP3 progress report 28/02/2021 by KUL and BNU partners. Documents are available in: Deliverables

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General Project Meeting: Project Board Meeting. February 23rd 2021. On the 23rd February 2021, a PBM was organized by IAS-CSIC with a total of 30 people attending. The main objectives of this PB meeting were:

  • to show project progress since the last one in October
  • for WPs to delineate the activities to perform and results to deliver during 2021
  • Planning for the final Conference in China at the end of 2021
Each WP leader and their teams shared their advances during the previous months and updated plans for the immediate future. Project Board Meeting. May 27th 2021. Due to the travel restriction SHui consortium, Project Board Meetings are being celebrated each 3/4 months, for strengthening partner’s involvement. Telematic meetings are more efficient if they are of limited duration, and for this minimizing the timelag between the European and Chinese partners they take place in the morning (CET), which is afternoon for Chinese partners. The main objective of this PB meeting was to report on project progress since last PB meeting in February, and for WPs to delineate the activities to be carried out the second part of 2021.

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Spanish Focus Group: On June 3rd Spanish team held its Focus Group after postponed it several times due to COVID lockdown. This meeting was moderated by Ana Sanchez Montero (SHui Project Manager) because of travel restriction for the Göttingen University due to the pandemic. Despite the difficulties, the discussion on “Water management in Agriculture” was successful in a region where water is a scarce commodity. Farmers were focused on woody crops: olive trees, vines, almond and other nuts, stone fruit trees.

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Main dissemination activities:

  • EIP-Agri Seminar. April 2021. This interactive event was dedicated to exchanging practical solutions to soil health problems, and discussing what needs to be done for farms to take them up. Europe.
  • Shui exchanging experiences with Spanish operational Group.April 2021. SHui partners at IAS-CSIC participated in the MAPA conference on “Exchange of experiences between Operational Groups and Projects focus on soils".During the webinar, SHui offered collaboration opportunities with Operational Groups and showed its current experience with one of them. Spain.
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU). April 2021. General Assembly was held.he EGU provides a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
  • Polni Den P&L June 2021. Meeting of farmers to present agricultural techniques as well as new scientific tools and approaches. Czech Republic.
  • Spanish Focus Group in Córdoba. June 2021.Farmers meeting to exchange opinions about Water management in agriculture. IAS-CSIC. Córdoba (Spain).
  • Webinar from BOKU June 2021: Exploring the value of long-term data sets to develop and evaluate agricultural management practices. Austria.

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Many articles (10) have been published during this period related to SHui: 1. An overview of hydrometeorological datasets from a small agricultural catchment (Nučice) in the Czech Republic (CVUT). 2. Numerically scheduling plant water deficit index-based smart irrigation to optimize crop yield and water use efficiency (ARO&CAU). 3. Using NDVI for the assessment of canopy cover in agricultural crops within modelling research (UCO& CSIC). 4. In-depth analysis of soil management and farmers’ perceptions of related risks in two olive grove areas in southern Spain (CSIC&UCO). 5. Estimating stomatal conductance and evapotranspiration of winter wheat using a soil-plant water relations-based stress index (CAU). 6. Bio-fertilizers issued from anaerobic digestion for growing tomatoes under irrigation by treated wastewater: targeting circular economy concept (CSIC). 7. In- Season Interactions between Vine Vigor, Water Status and Wine Quality in Terrain-Based Management- Zones in a 'Cabernet Sauvignon' Vineyard (ARO, TerraVision). 8. Going beyond Soil Conservation with the Use of Cover Crops in Mediterranean Sloping Olive Orchards (CSIC). 9. Numerically scheduling plant water deficit index-based smart irrigation to optimize crop yield and water use efficiency (CAU&ARO). 10.Performance analysis of regional AquaCrop (v6.1) biomass and surface soil moisture simulations using satellite and in situ observations (KUL).

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Pandemic situation: After full vaccination of many of the partners in all countries, SHui has planned the next General Meeting phisically for European partners at least. Depending on travel conditions in each country, partners will decide how to attend the meeting (phisically or virtually). About Final Chinese meeting in December will be a mix format (Chines will be phisically and European virtually). In the hope that the COVID situation will normalize, more face-to-face meeting will be planned in the last year of the project.

10 articles have been publishsed during last 6 months.