Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

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Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

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Genially, the "Spanish PowerPoint" which is closer to a video game, launches into the conquest of the United States

The founders of Genially

El Español News


May 10th, 2021

Maestro Web

April 17th, 2021

Genially for teachers: Create presentations that are educational, interactive, and animated


May 31st, 2021

Luis García (Genially): how to revolutionize communication with an interactivetool

El Sur Daily


March 19th, 2021


Review Booking

Get close to the world of designwith Genially

June 2nd, 2021

Genially, the startup that is challenging Microsoft with its alternative to PowerPoint


El Mundo News

May 27th, 2021

Genially, from Córdoba to New York

The Cordoba Daily
