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an e-mail describing a holiday
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Ma. Elizabeth Gutiérrez

Present Continuous

Prepositions of time

Sentence stress

Linking consonants and vowels

Daily routine verbs The weather and the seasons

Weather around the world -video-

-Listening for the main idea

-Describing a photo-using personal pronouns

an e-mail describing a holiday

Week 4

Hi Carmen, How are you? How´s work? I Hope everything´s OK I´m in Argentina! I´m visiting Leo and María in Buenos Aires, and I´m having a wonderful time. The weather´s amazing! It´s 25 degrees, and it´s never cloudy. It´s hot all day and warm at night. It´s so nice after the cold fall weather at home. I get up early and I go running with Leo before breakfast. He loves getting exercise in the morning. Then we return home and have breakfast. Leo and María start work at 8:30, and I leave the apartment with them. I go into the city and visit different places like Casa Rosada and Teatro Colón. In the evening we go for a walk and then have dinner. The restaurants are great here, and the steaks are fantastic. I´m sending you a couple of photos that I took. The first photo´s of some colorful houses in an area called La Boca. It´s a really cool part of town with some amazing buildings. In the second photo, you can see Leo and María in a famous Street. My flight´s on Friday. See you at work on Monday! Love, Marcos ………

Describing a photo: When you send a photo describe who or what the photo shows. If it shows people, describe what they are doing.

Título 2

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