Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


What time is it?

BY Miss Salerno, LP, JV 12


Telling the time:

It's ... o'clock

It's five past...

It's ten past...

It's twenty past...

It's twenty-five past...

It's (a) quarter past...

It's half past...

It's twenty-five to...



It's five to...

It's ten to...

It's (a) quarter to...

It's twenty to...



What time is it?

9.00: it's nine o'clock

9.05: it's five past nine

9.10: it's ten past nine

9.15: it's a quarter past nine

9.20: it's twenty past nine

9.25: it's twenty-five past nine

9.30: it's half past nine

9.35: it's twenty-five to ten

9.40: it's twenty to ten

9.45: it's a quarter to ten

9.50: it's ten to ten

9.55: it's five to ten

10.00: it's ten o'clock

Activity 1: What time is it?
















Bonnes réponses:

Mauvaises réponses:

Activity 2 (part 1) : What time is it? Click on the right answer!

1) 4.15:


3) 8.10:

4) 5.25


a) it's a quarter past four

b) it's a quarter to four

c) it's to four

a) it's a quarter past seven

a) it's ten and eight

a) it's twenty-five past five

a) it's twenty-five to six

b) it's a quarter to seven

b) it's ten to eight

b) it's twenty-five to five

b) it's thirty-five to six

c) it's six past a quarter

c) it's ten past eight

c) it's twenty-five and five

c) it's twenty-five to seven


a) it's twenty past three

Bonnes réponses:

Mauvaises réponses:

Activity 2 (part 2): What time is it? Click on the right answer!


7) 4.50:

8) 1.05:

9) 9.05

10) 3.20:

a) it's half and two

a) it's ten to four

a) it's five to one

a) it's nine past five

b) it's a half past two

b) it's ten to five

b) it's one past five

b) it's five past nine

b) it's twenty to three

c) it's half past two

c) it's ten past five

c) it's five past one

c) it's nine to five

c) it's twenty and three


Bonnes réponses:

Mauvaises réponses:


Activity 3 (part 1): What time is it? Click on the right answer!

1) 7.05


3) 9.15

4) 4.20

5) 5.25

6) 6.30

  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's twenty past four
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's ten past eight
  • it's five past seven
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's half past six
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday



Bonnes réponses:

Mauvaises réponses:


Activity 3: What time is it (part 2)? Click on the right answer!

7) 7.35

8) 1.40

9) 2.50

10) 3.55

11) 00.00

12) 12.00

  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's ten to three
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's twenty to two
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday


  • it's five to four
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's ten to three
  • it's ten to three
  • it's midnight
  • it's noon/midday


  • it's midnight
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty-five to eight
  • it's ten to three
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's noon/midday

  • it's midday/it's noon
  • it's five past seven
  • it's ten past eight
  • it's a quarter past nine
  • it's twenty past four
  • it's twenty-five past five
  • it's half past six
  • it's twenty to two
  • it's ten to three
  • it's five to four
  • it's midnight
  • it's twenty-five to eight

Activity 4: What time is it? Choose the right clock!

It's ten to two

It's five past ten

It's twenty-five to six

It's two o'clock

It's half past-six

It's a quarter to eight


Activity 5: What time is it? Put the right answer next to the clock!

It's twenty to ten

It's ten to noon

It's noon

It's a quarter to five

It's twenty-five to seven

It's a quarter past ten

It's twenty-five past seven

It's twenty past one




Activity 6: What time is it? Choose the right answer


a) it's ten past seven

b) it's seven past ten

c) it's seven to ten


a) it's a quarter past five

b) it's a quarter to five

c) it's a quarter to six


a) it's ten past nine

b) it's ten to ten

c) it's ten past ten

4) 5.55

a) it's a five past five

b) it's five to five

c) it's five to six

5) 8.30

a) it's half past eight

b) it's eight past half

c) it's half to nine


a) it's six past a quarter

b) it's a quarter past six

c) it's a quarter and six

7) 00.10

a) it's ten past midnight

b) it's ten to midnight

c) it's ten past noon

8) 12.20

a) it's twenty to twelve

b) it's twelve o'clock

c) it's twenty past twelve