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Syllabus and Summer Assignment*Students who join late in the summer are held to the same expectations. This is an AP course.

Welcome to AP Human Geography!

Practice vocabulary for Unit 1.

Calvary Christian Academy

This assignment will require dedication. Please make sure it is done well.

Course Exam Description

Required time: Multiple hours

Required time: 5 mins per day

Difficulty: Moderate

Difficulty: Easy

You finished


Unit 1: Short Answer, Questions, MC, & FRQ

Pages 2-45

Unit 1 Reading

Disputed Areas/Breakaway

Map Assignment 4

Physical Features

Map Assignment 3

Human Geography Regions

Map Assignment 2

Map Skills 101 Practice

Map Assignment 1

Summer Homework Suggested Pacing

Assignment Calendar

The Culture Landscape 13th Ed.

Purchase Book

AP Human Geography

Course Syllabus

AP Human Geography

Intro to

Summer Homework

Source: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2024%3A1&version=NIV

It is with great delight that I welcome you to AP Human Geography! This course will cover a vast array of content that directly applies to the world around you. Delving into God's creation is one of the most rewarding endeavors that we have the honor to pursue and this year will most assuredly speak life into your soul, provide opportunities of prayer and petition for the world around us, and develop endurance and perseverance for a college workload as you take your first college level AP course. I will be walking alongside you each step of the way and I encourage you to reach out to me with any and all questions--knowing that I am your cheerleader throughout this truly amazing course. Prepare to develop your analytical and critical thinking skills for a year focused on our Father. "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1

Instructor: Mrs. Kathryn CouryEmail: KathrynC@ccaeagles.org

Calvary Christian Academy

Welcome to AP Human Geography!

Please read the instructions and information thoroughly on each slide. Pay attention to suggested due dates and practice time management over the summer. Glorify the Lord with your time.

AP Human Geography

Please read thouroughly.

AP Human Geography Syllabus

Used College Textbooks

Chegg Used Books


CCA Option

Used Books



Rubenstein, James M. The Cultural Landscape an Introduction to Human Geography. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc, 2020.

Please click the buttons below to be redirected to websites that can offer comparison of prices for AP Text:

These can be pricey brand new. I have included various links to help you find better deals. You are required to have the THIRTEENTH Edition as a textbook. You can use the following ISBN # to help with your search: 978-0-13-516596-6 . Please have a hardcopy so that there are no technical issues.

You are required to purchase your AP textbook.

Immediate Action: Read Syllabus and Order Book




Today's Date :





Map Assignment 1: Suggested Due date June 6thMap Assignment 2: Suggested Due date June 15thMap Assignment 3: Suggested Due date June 24th Required Due Date: August 16th, 2024

Today's Date :




Map Assignment 4: Suggested Due Date July 3rdFirst Chapter Notes: Suggested Due Date July 12th Start Short Answer Questions, MC, & FRQ: NO later than July 27thRequired Due Date: August 16th, 2024





Today's Date :

Complete Short Answer Questions, MC, and FRQ : Suggested Due Date Aug. 8thMake sure you HIT SUBMITRequired Due Date: August 16th, 2022School Starts August 16th



Source: https://www.geoguessr.com/quiz/seterra/challenge/Y6N3PB

Study these human geography regions until you can score a 100% without help from an outside source. Identify your name on the Leaderboard with your first initial and last name. EX: KCoury. You may include all attempts but continue to practice until you get %100 and remember the content.

Map Practice 1: Map Skills 101 Practice

Source: https://www.geoguessr.com/quiz/seterra/challenge/3ZSLRC

Study these human geography regions until you can score a 100% without help from an outside source. Identify your name on the Leaderboard with your first initial and last name. EX: KCoury. You may include all attempts but continue to practice until you get %100 and remember the content.

Map Practice 2: Human Geography Regions

Source: https://online.seterra.com/en/vgp/3459?c=5BPP7

Study these physical features until you can score a 100% without help from an outside source. Identify your name on the Leaderboard with your first initial and last name. EX: KCoury. You may include all attempts but continue to practice until you get %100 and remember the content.

Map Practice 3: Physical Features

Source: https://www.geoguessr.com/quiz/seterra/challenge/WDP6MT

Study these physical features until you can score a 100% without help from an outside source. Identify your name on the Leaderboard with your first initial and last name. EX: KCoury. You may include all attempts but continue to practice until you get %100 and remember the content.

Map Practice 4: Disputed Areas and Breakaway Regions

Summer Reading: Please read the following sections:Pages 2-41 from your textTake thorough notes and study. You will have a test on this material within the first two weeks of school. You will also have a Map Test on your second day of class--this is likely to be your easiest test. --Also, when I ask the most successful students at the end of the year what helped them be high achievers, they oftentimes state, "Creating my own study guides, quizlets, etc." There is a big difference when you take the initiative to create the study material instead of simply utilizing one that has already been created. This should be food for thought.

Please read the following sections (pages 2-41 from your text). Take thorough notes and study. You will have a test on this material within the first two weeks of school. Answer the questions in the google form to the best of your ability. With AP Human Geography, you will need to utilize your textbook and outside reliable resources. Please make sure that you do both for this assignment. You may work on the assignment and it will automatically save. Hit submit when you are finished. The form scrolls down.

Required Reading: Pages 2-41

Summer Reading: Unit 1

Congratulations for using your time wisely throughout your summer to prepare you to succeed in AP Human Geography this year. I am looking forward to seeing you soon and I will be delighted to encourage, support, and pray for you throughout this year! I will be providing you various additional resources in the upcoming weeks. If you have extra time over the summer, I encourage you to continue reading your textbook as there will be extensive reading expectations this school year for our AP Human Geography course. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mrs. CouryEmail: Kathrync@ccaeagles.org

You finished!

AP Courses are based off of the expectations as laid out and prepared by the College Board. To see the expectations of this course, please click here to view the Course and Exam Description. You can start researching the important vocabulary and preparing for this school school year.