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What to do before, during, and after a fire?


1. Know your evacuation routes, transportation and a place to stay with family or friends outside of the evacuation zone.

2. Set up a family meeting spot and teach your family what to do when they hear a smoke alarm.

3. Build an emergency preparedness kit.

4. Install the right number of smoke alarms, test them once a month and replace the batteries once a year. Also, buy a fire extinguisher.


1. Stay alert and be aware for evacuation instructions.

2. If you see a fire approaching or if you’re trapped, call 911.

3. Move flammable furniture, especially outdoor furniture into the centre of the home away from windows and doors.

4. Wear N95 masks to protect your lungs from harmful particles.

5. Stop, drop and roll if you or your family’s clothes catch on fire.


1. Continue to check in with news updates for information about the fire

2. Send text messages/social media to reach out to family and friends

3. Have a professional examine your home to make sure it’s ready and safe

4. Do not drink, prepare food or wash with water until officials deem the water source safe, and photograph any damages for your personal records and contact your insurance agency.

Made by: Ricci Janelle Cortez and Maria Raychelle Palisoc