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Imposter Syndrome
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Imposter Syndrome

  • Fear of evaluation,
  • Fear of not continuing success,
  • Fear of not being as capable as others.

A pattern of doubt in our skills, talents, or accomplishments and persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

What is it?

  • Achievement-related task
  • Feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and worry
  • Response:
    • over-preparation (success: result of hard work)
    • procrastination (success: luck)
  • Positive feedback is discounted, no perception of personal ability.
  • Feeling like a fraud.

Imposter Cycle

  • High achieving professionals
  • Women
  • Members of a minority

Most common in

Poll: Experiences common in people who experience IS.


This poll is annonymus!

  • Identify it, what is it telling you?
  • Realize it's something that affects the community.
  • Talk about it: get our voices back!

How to combat it

(You need something to write on)

In 1 minute, answer:


How does Imposter Syndrome affect you?

We encourage you to have your cameras on.

  1. We go to groups of two.
  2. We share our answers: 1 minute each (you're can see the clock in the top right corner).
  3. We come back to the bigger room.
  4. We repeat this three times in total.

We share


  1. Goal: share our answers, not discuss.
  2. Listen to understand, not to reply.
  3. Respect our silences.
  4. Self-regulate: 1 minute each.
  5. Be grateful.

In a few sentences, we share:

What did we discover from sharing in our smaller groups?


What are some ideas that you could start implementing right now?

(You need something to write on)

In 1 minute, answer:


  1. We go to groups of four.
  2. We share our answers: 1 minute each.
  3. We copy ideas we could use ourselves.
  4. We come back to the bigger room.

We use our collective intelligence

  1. Goal: share our answers, not discuss.
  2. Listen to understand, not to reply.
  3. Respect our silences.
  4. Self-regulate: 1 minute each.
  5. Be grateful.


REMEMBER:Copy the link so you can add more post-its later!

We write our ideas in post-its in Jamboard!


Check out

If you feel comfortable, share in the chat:

Recap of today

  • What have I discovered?
  • What am I taking with me?
  • How am I leaving?

Karina Batistelli kbatistelli@unc.edu.ar

Julia Plavnik jplavnik@iu.edu

Where to find us

Thank you!

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