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Or you are a professor and want your brilliant student`s work to be noticed by a wider public?

With Research Sparks, you not only have the opportunity to publish your students' theses, but you also enable it to be recognized by a broader and international audience. Furthermore, you motivate your students and thus possible young researchers to present their work in front of an audience that is not only composed of the research community, but also of practitioners. The thematic focus is on topics related to cross-cultural management and intercultural communication.

You are a student and you don't want your thesis to gather dust on a shelf?

Young Scholars contribute to the research community

Research Sparks

Submission Details

Recent research Sparks

Research Sparks are summaries of excellent theses including innovative ideas and research questions, outstanding research designs and concepts from students that are relevant to the work of professionals in international management or intercultural fields. Many of our students' theses receive little public recognition, regardless of how well elaborated their research, brilliant their idea, or fascinating their new perspective is. Our goal is to give students the opportunity to publish their findings and learn about the principles of science, hopefully sparking their interest in an academic career. With this Junior Track we establish another publication format – next to SIETAR | IACCM Knowledge Bites for senior scholars – with an ongoing submission possibility for the next generation of researchers. On our website a constant flow of new innovative ideas and papers of students from all over the world are published. Supervising professors and hosting universities will be mentioned within the student’s paper, which increases the reputation and recognition of these without any additional effort. With that being said, we invite you to send us a 4-6-page summary of an excellent final thesis. If you are a student or professor, please contact us! The IACCM council members and other volunteering professors serve as reviewer for the SIETAR Knowledge Bites. We are looking forward to receiving your intriguing research!

Young Scholars contribute to the research community

Research Sparks

Editor in Chief

Constanze Ruesga Rath

Editor in Chief

Sina Grosskopf

Send it to Sina Grosskopf for review and you will be contacted by the editors

Shorten your thesis according to the submission form

Download submission form

Recent research Sparks

*The IACCM is an academic forum for experts in all fields of research who take an interest in and are concerned with cross-cultural topics. It was formed to establish a network of researchers and practitioners interested in and concerned with cross-cultural subjects. More information about IACCM can be found on the webpage here.

The Research Sparks Publication series is associated with the IACCM* (International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management) based at Vienna University of Business & Economics (WU Wien). The IACCM council members and other volunteering professors serve as reviewer for the Research Sparks. We are looking forward to receiving your or your students` intriguing research! These are the three steps to your submission:

Young Scholars contribute to the research community
